Thursday, July 20 of 2023

The Sacred Call

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Sovereign God of Life!
Have compassion for the souls
that do not respond to Your Law and Precepts.

O Lord of Compassion!
Pour out the Fountain of Your Graces upon the world;
make love and peace spring from the hardest hearts;
convert each aspect of this humanity,
through the humble and simple surrender
of Your Servant, Jesus Christ.

hear the voice of Your people, who cry out to You.

hear the clamor of Your Children,
who suffer and endure the chaos of these times.

O Fountain of Abba!
Open Yourself incessantly and expand Your Light
toward all confines of the universe,
so that also the fallen stars
may again rise, stand up
and form part of Your sidereal firmament.

Hear the Voice of Your Son, Lord,
Who cries out in the silence of His Heart,
Who asks, through His simple prayer,
just as Your Son asked of You in the Garden of Gethsemane.

O Sacred Chalice of renunciation!
Offer yourself to souls through the holy hands
of the angels and archangels.
May hearts not fear to drink
from the bitter Chalice of sacrifice, surrender and love.

By the merits achieved in the Last Supper
and in the transubstantiation of My Body and Blood,
Adonai, may the codes of Love and Redemption
reach all those who most need them.

O Lord!
Do not see the sin of humanity,
the indifference of many hearts,
the wickedness of many nations.

By the Cross that rose
on the top of Mount Calvary
as the new Tree of Life,
and replaced the error of Adam and Eve
through the power of unfathomable Mercy,
allow, Adonai, time and again,
until the end of times,
the Rays of My Unfathomable Eucharistic Heart
to radiate to the world,
despite so much darkness and so many tests.

O Merciful Father!
make everyone feel the Love of Your Law
and not fear the Law.

Make everyone feel
the Sovereign Government of Your Spirit
and not fear Justice,
because on top of Mount Calvary,
at the last moment of My expiration,
You, Beloved Father, revealed to Me
the profound and eternal Love that You feel
for the souls that unite to You
in spirit, essence and communion.

Therefore, Father,
hear the voice of Your people,
who believe in You and cry out to You.

Do not allow war to expand in the world
and cause more innocent hearts
and unprotected families to suffer.

Because although My hour to return to the world
is drawing near, Adonai,
 hearts are not ready yet,
and once again, You, Beloved Father,
call Me to return to Your Kingdom,
and sit to Your right,
just as My Holy Mother is sitting to Your left, Lord.

 I ask You, I ask You, Adonai,
 to grant more time to Your Son.

The Law must be fulfilled.
The Law must be concretized.

But I offer You, Emmanuel,
Elohim, Yod He Vaud He,
the merits of My Sorrowful Passion.
Once again, I offer them to You,
in honor of the Ark of the Holy Covenant,
which unites all Your Relics, all Your Treasures
and especially all Your Creatures,
in the unity of the Spirit, in the unity of Your Kingdom.

Adonai, I offer You
each moment lived on the Calvary,
each offense borne, just as today, I bear
each humiliation received, just as I Am humiliated today;
each pain and suffering imparted,
just as today My Heart is pierced
by the cold indifference of the world.

But I ask You this Grace, Adonai,
for those who are most unprotected and innocent.

O Beloved Father!
Relieve the spiritual debt of this world,
transfigure this humanity
through the sacrifice of Your Most Holy Son, Jesus Christ,
the King of the Universe and of Peace.

Lord, allow
 My Heart to be satiated
by all the souls that have faith in Me.

Lord, allow
 My powerful and victorious Light,
the Light of Christic Love,
to reach the darkest corners of consciousnesses,
so that Your Love may triumph once again, Adonai.

You see a divided and separated world, Lord.
You see the family being destroyed, Father,
losing the principles of Your Source
and of Your Spiritual Government.

But I have promised, Adonai,
from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the top of the Cross,
to give My Life and My Consciousness,
to give My Spirit and My Fire up to the end of times.

O Celestial Father!
May this offering justify
all errors committed up to the present.

O Great Sidereal Priest!
Adonai, Lord of lords,
Father of all fathers of Life and of the Earth,
reestablish Your Spiritual Priesthood
upon those among Your Children, chosen
for this spiritual mission.

May the Chalice of Light and surrender,
of renunciation and resignation of Your Son,
be the Spiritual Teraph
of all priestly life on the planet,
so that the offenses committed
against the Most Sacred Heart of Your Son may be repaired,
by the offering of the Blood of Christ,
Powerful and Unfathomable Spiritual Blood,
which transfigures and liberates errors.

O Celestial Father!
Give strength and courage to all mothers of the world,
especially the mothers of war,
the sacrificed and selfless mothers.

Give strength to the spiritual motherhood of this world,
sustained by the Scepter of the Universal Mother,
so that Your Children, the children of the mothers of this Earth,
may respond to Your Will, Adonai,
and the people of Israel may prepare
to receive Christ in His Return.

O Father!
Father of Wisdom and Discernment,
Father of the Truth and Peace,
through the Heart of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
gather all the tribes of Israel,
and may the symbols that identify each one of them
unite them to the Ark of the Holy Covenant,
so that evil may be dissolved in this world,
so that the cruelty and martyrdom
that many hearts live,
may be halted and Your Light may triumph,
in each heart that suffers, Adonai.

May the doors of Your Kingdom open,
may forgiveness grant reconciliation,
and may reconciliation establish peace,
so urgent in these times.

O Father!
The month of August is drawing near,
and the fruits that I have delivered in recent years
are still not ripe.
But the faith, trust and love
of Your Children for Me are mature,
for the powerful presence of Your Love, Lord.

Do not allow, Adonai,
the prophecies to be fulfilled.

I come to renew all things once again,
just as on the Calvary and for the weight of the wood of the Cross.
I come to renew the life of all Your Children,
sacralizing and blessing them
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Companions, My final time is drawing near, My last hour is approaching, just as it was in the Last Supper, when your Lord was delivered by His enemies, by those to whom I imparted My blessing.

Tell the world to offend God no longer, that hearts may truly repent, so that the door of My Mercy may remain open until the last instant, until the last moment.

Today, from these mountains, I bless the world and humanity again.

Today, from the confines of the universe, I proclaim again the greatness of My Humble Spiritual Government so that more beings may have the Grace of being redeemed and liberated by My Christic Love.

The time is drawing near, August 8 is approaching, and your lives and the life of your brothers and sisters must be the symbol of the Infinite, where you are incessantly impelled to by My Grace, by My Mercy and by the Divine Purpose of fulfilling what you have come to fulfill in this incarnation.

Therefore, no longer lose time, no longer lose even a minute, not even a second, because the world is in its own agony and despair, and the world is not prepared for the Apocalypse. But those who follow the Shepherd with faith will not perish, because the Shepherd will make them have a part in the Kingdom of the Heavens, He will make them apostles of the end of times.

Today, I come before you, crying out this powerful prayer of the heart, but God has already made His Decision. And when the Father is in silence, His Children must know how to hear Him, because His Sidereal Silence speaks for itself.

Continue to fervently pray, continue to strive in love and compassion. No longer allow another heart to close, another life to be discarded, another innocent soul to be a victim of impunity, because I come with the Government of the Heavens and the Universe, I come with the Great Light of the Heart of all life, of the suns and stars, galaxies and all humanities present in the cosmos.

Today, all supplicating souls and the entire supplicating network unite to the Heart of the King and Shepherd, Who comes to define the lives of His companions in these final times. The Shepherd Who comes to seek the response of those who said yes to Him in the universe. And may those who have not been able to respond to Me, no longer feel guilt, I liberate them today with My Celestial Love.

Rise, just as Mary Magdalene was risen from the ground and I told her: “Sin no more.”

Be free of yourself and fly high like the birds that fly in the sky, praising the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Bear fruits in abundance like the meadows and the fields.

May your life be an untiring service, venerated by the angels of Heaven.

May your transformation be the treasure that you leave at My Feet, because I will never leave you alone.

My embrace is for all. My Love is for all of humanity.

May the doors of doubt and uncertainty close.

May the hope of being in Christ and for Christ be reborn in hearts, while being a part of this story that began in 2013 and continues up to the present.

How many hearts have passed through Me! But how many hearts have stayed in Me?

Where are My Graces? Where do My treasures resound? Where has My Mercy gone?

Be witnesses of the Return of Christ.

Let those who are tired come to Me.

Let those who are sick in body and spirit come to Me.

Let those who have lost peace come to Me.

Look into My Eyes, look into My Heart, a fruit of the Redeeming Love for souls, a Tabernacle of Light for hearts, an inexhaustible Fountain of Graces and Mercies.

Behold your God, your Celestial Father, through His Son, the Christ.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we will accompany with the heart a prayer that was delivered by Our Lord some time ago, which is the prayer for all disciples and apostles of the end of times:

If my suffering, Lord, however seemingly small,
serves as a relief from the suffering of my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.

 If my emptiness, dryness, agony and abandonment of You
serve as assistance, encouragement and joy
for my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.

If my tiredness, desert and aridity
serve to fill the emptiness, the aridity and the deserts of my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord. 

If my nights of harassment, battle or solitude
serve to give strength, encouragement and faith
to my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.

 If the lack that I sometimes feel of You,
the absence of consolation and the increase in work
pleases Your wounded Heart,
may Your Will be done, Lord. 

If my despair, my torments and my dark nights
help to save lost, abandoned and unloved souls,
may Your Will be done, Lord. 

If I do not receive love and only contempt,
if I do not feel understood and only judged,
if at this moment I do not find the meaning of being by Your side,
Beloved Christ, may Your Will be done, Lord.

 Give me the inner strength to fear nothing.
Every day give me the bravery to learn
how to come out of myself, more each day.

Give me love
to learn how to love and accept my fellow being,
because if up to now I do not feel anything,
if on this cold night or this cloudy day
I cannot manage to see the Sun of Your Heart,
and this serves so that my brothers and sisters of the world
may manage to see the Light, the Love and the Mercy of God,
may Your Will be done, Lord.

I only hope to please You in the small details.
I only want to be an instrument in Your Hands of Pity, Lord,
so that anywhere on Earth
where You send me, You may be recognized,
so that they may feel love and hope,
so that, thus, the suffering, the pain and the abandonment
of desperate hearts may be relieved,
in honor of Your Celestial Victory.


May My Will be done in you, just as the Will of the Father is done in Me.

I thank you for opening to hear Me, for opening to feel what is most intimate in My Heart.

I love you and bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.