Saturday, May 4 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

With deep joy in My Heart of Mother, I approach Myself to your hearts today in this sacred home, where My Spirit dwells eternally.

Today I want to bring Myself closer to your hearts to transmit to you My Peace, My Mercy and Redemption for your souls.

Children of Mine, as Blessed Servant of God, I come to answer a request of the Father, Who sends Me to form all of His children in Love.

The Lord waits on this day that your hearts be permeated by gratitude. A gratitude that transcends the obstacles of life and places your consciousnesses facing only to God, to praise Him perpetually for everything you receive in life.

Beloved children, be infinitely grateful to the Lord, as He has offered you, as a House, the Source of Mercy. Through the true devotion of your hearts this Mercy is radiated to the world, and in this way you are perpetually permeated by It.

Be grateful as you have never been before, because the King of the Universe speaks to you day by day.

Be grateful because the Holy Spirit of God permeates your lives.

Be grateful for receiving from the Lord the permission to be so close to His most faithful Servant, and this way receive in your hearts a Peace that no longer exists in the world.

My beloveds, awake today to life in gratitude, for there are many in the world that are grateful for the little that they receive and who are not attached to the suffering in which they live. And you, My children, can hear My words and feel My Heart.

Your little beings have before them the opportunity to redeem life definitively and to eternally consecrate your hearts to God, and this is what the Lord awaits from the ones that one day listened to His Celestial Messengers.

Because, children of Mine, the Word of a Messenger of God is never emitted in vain. The Power of the Verb that speaks to you comes to heal the world definitively, as well as all the creatures that inhabit it.

For this, today I only ask you to be able to hear each one of these words with your heart and that you meditate profoundly on everything that you are having the opportunity to live, in any part of the world, so that you can learn to be truly grateful and to learn to value with your heart and with your spirit everything that God offers you.

My Children, I say this to all who can hear Me, because the fact that My words and the words of My Son have come to your lives means that your hearts have a commitment with God, a commitment that your souls cannot deny and that your hearts must long to respond to.

I thank you, My beloveds, if you meditate on My words with the truth of the heart.

I love you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.