Marathon of Divine Mercy

My Voice reaches this world to withdraw it from darkness and from fear.

My Light comes from the Father and is poured out upon the hearts that have fallen.

My Mercy draws closer to your lives and brings the Light that you need in this time.

I come to lift up your lives from the ground. I stretch out My Hands to you so that you can hold fast and follow My Path of redemption and of peace.

My Plan for Argentina is perfect and preferred, but I have need of sheep willing to follow the Great Shepherd, in order that they know new fields and new fruits that I have to give them.

I need your 'yes' for continuing with My Work. Thus, in this month of April, I send you My Mother as messenger and healer, so that She may prepare your hearts for the new time that will come to Argentina.

Each nation has a very important commitment to God. The Messengers of Heaven present themselves in this century again to warn humanity about the steps it is taking and the paths it is following, paths that do not go toward God because they are decisions that are not in the Light of the Father.

Thus, in My great and infinite Mercy, I come to open your eyes to what is new, so that you are able to awaken in time within this chaos that the world experiences internally.

My Mercy comes to free your ties and your sins as many times as necessary, because the Father has granted that I may deeply know you.

My Law of Mercy comes to correct your actions and lives. For this reason, go as the apostles did and announce My arrival to the world. I will come silently to this world, unexpectedly, and I will appear to those that open their heart to Me, and who have constantly prayed with Me for this humanity.

My Father has sent Me again to congregate the flocks that have become lost, and these Marathons of prayer try to congregate all the souls that must return to God, mainly those that are in God must at this moment help Me to assist those who are distant from God.

Thus, I need you to be firm and ready to follow My Path.

I cannot promise you happiness in this chaotic world, but I can promise you My Mercy, My Eternity, My Divinity and My Spirit in the next world, like many saints, angels and blessed ones that enjoy this Christic Spirit.

I come to bring the universe into your presence. I Am the Heart of the universe that deeply beats all the time. I come to bring you the Truth of God for this time.

Meditate on the actions you take every day. Be good servers in this time, in peace. Be proclaimers of the Peace that comes from the Kingdom of My Father. I mercifully love you all the time. I gather you close to My Heart so that you can feel it. My Heart is the manifested eternal Love of God.

Thus, in this so definitive time, I come to remind you of the commitment you made to Me. Your families, friends and acquaintances, nobody will escape being able to know Me in this time.

My Love is stronger than the love that lives in this world. My Power and My Divinity is great in this humanity.

Dear sheep, dear companions, I invite you to prepare this Sacred Week with your heart, this Passion that comes to bring remembrance every year of your time. I invite you, dear friends, to feel My Passion and to meditate on it; in this way, I will be able to grant special Graces to those that do so, and My Heart will be able to free you and heal you of everything you have not managed to release.

In this Sacred Week, I come to remind you of My Passion: the different phases that I experienced in the Passion, because in truth the world does not know what I really lived. Through the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration, I have revealed it to you.

Thus, during this Sacred Week, sincerely offer your hearts to Me. The Altar is open to all. The priest will receive the offerings of his faithful so that all celebrate in the spirit of peace and love.

In this world, it will not be necessary that any other man carry another cross. I have done this for you, dear friends. My Hands and My Body were wounded for you. I closed all My wounds through Love, and in this way, I presented redemption to the world.

But as time goes by, humanity forgets the commitment to Christ. For this reason, God, in His Goodness and in His Mercy, sends His Messengers to remind you of this commitment.

I need you to be able to merge with My Spirit in this next Sacred Week. For this, Aurora will shine to receive My Rays again, as in the beginning. Thus, the angels I send to the world are working hard so that souls can draw closer to the Passion of My Heart and not be distracted by the things the world offers.

I need you to feel My Heart as something true and simple; I need My Words to reverberate in your essences.

Know, dear companions, that this is My last call to the world; in the same way I did once in Rwanda, announcing My Message through Emmanuel, and thus Africa achieved the consecration to My Sacred Heart, not only through the work that God sent Me to carry out in this country, but also through the missions carried out by the Children of Mary.

There is still much to alleviate in this hurting humanity, but who will dare to carry the spiritual wounds of the body in their hearts. This is a great proposal that I give you today.

Many fear suffering out of love for others. Live the examples of all those that have come through this humanity, of the great blessed and the saints who gave their lives for God.

But in this very important era, My call is for all. My Heart wants to surrender for all. I need all those who have never heard nor seen Me so that My Work can be accomplished in the greater part of this humanity.

The Americas must fulfill their great promise to the Celestial Universe. For this reason, the missions that My Mother is carrying out in each country prepare essences for what will come in the next time.

My Words at this moment are true; I need you to be able to understand this with your hearts. My spring is open for those who seek it, but few risk bathing in My Ocean of Mercy so that My eternal waters can bathe you and close your wounds.

Let all those who hear Me not fear; I come to give you the Love of God, the true Love of the Father that is forgotten by many, because arrogance, ignorance, and indifference reign, roots that produce great evils and rapidly make souls ill, losing their essence and inner light.

But I Am part of you and you are part of My eternal Heart. I lived with and among you; I proclaimed to your lives My sacred saving Word. What have you done with the Gospel I gave you?

I come in this time to seek talents. Why do you hide them in your hearts? It is time to give yourselves much more. God expects the maximum from you. I am here to help you and assist you.

I come to open your eyes to what is new, to the universe, to the Kingdom of Peace and of Love. But few want to live this reality. With the few I can count on, in this era, I will carry out My great Works in the whole world.

In peace, serve your brothers and sisters and all the Kingdoms of Nature, which also perpetually suffer. Nobody perceives how the trees are destroyed and wounded.

You know, dear companions, that when I was a child and went to Egypt, the great palm trees of the desert revered My going by. Does God not live in the Kingdoms of Nature? What are you doing with this so precious world that God gave you?

The hour of rescue has come, the planetary rescue, the rescue of this sick humanity that dies without seeing the Light of God. I come to revive those who have fallen again and to free the impure spirits that condemn many souls in this humanity.

My Mercy is precious, but to live it, it must be loved, dear companions. When will you dare to cross the portal into My Heart? I have precious things to give you. My Word has always been fulfilled throughout the times.

I have converted Eucharists into living hearts and flesh; My Crosses have spilled much blood. All have seen My miracles throughout the centuries. What more does this humanity need? God is present in all places. But can all see Him?

I Am that part of God that comes to speak to you. This emanation of the Source that was projected in humanity and that became a living man, of flesh and bone, who walked among you to share the Word and vivify your hearts, leading you to Redemption and to Love.

Dear companions, I thank you for this great response of yours.

When you pray with Me and unite with Me, remember I will always be by your side. I ardently wish to be in your lives, be part of your blood, of your breathing, of all your bodies. I want to be the living Cell in your cells, the resplendent Light that transfigures and transforms like a Ray of the universe that comes to aid and help humanity.

But everything will begin, dear companions, with your simple and humble 'yes'; thus everything will be consummated.

Present here, I will bless the sacred elements and the images that will bring resurrection for your consciousnesses.

Let this next Sacred Week that is approaching be a true celebration for all, a perfect meeting with the universal Sacred Family.

We will be there, in the heart of Aurora.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

While the elements are brought, we are going to pray the Our Father and the Glory with our Master.

Christ Jesus blesses the elements.

When you pray from the heart, I love you more.

Thank you, dear souls, for this simple dedication. I thank you.

Enter into the universe of My Peace and walk firmly in the Purpose. God will always provide for you. Be blessed.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is still present, accompanying us. We will wait for a short while until we can respond to a request He made, for us to listen to the Beatitudes He once transmitted in one of His daily Messages.

At this moment, He asks us to continue united with Him in communion, from heart to Heart, feeling His Presence.

Continuing, the daily Message transmitted by Christ Jesus concerning the Beatitudes, of February 15, 2013, is read.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I am the Door to the Holy Alliance with Christ; whoever seeks the Messiah will find Him through My Heart.

I am the Mother of Wisdom, My divine knowledge is poured out through prayer.

I am the Guiding Star of the Universe, whoever follows My steps of Light will never be lost.

I am the Great Mother of the World, the Supreme Consciousness of God manifested in virginity and purity for the souls who seek healing and liberation of the heart.

I am the Mother of the New Jerusalem. Through My footsteps in the world, My children follow the path of the portal to find the new city of Light, the Celestial Jerusalem that approaches the Earth with the Return of My Son to this suffering world, which He will liberate again so that many may raise their eyes and see in the sky the Greatness of God, which is eternal and perpetual for those who want to see it in their heart.

I am the Mother of Silence, My silence pronounces words of Peace, radiates Love to the creatures who are in perpetual devotion to My Heart.

I am the Mother of Consolation, the one who helps each of Her children, especially those who have fallen.

I am the Mother who opens new doors; I free hearts from prisons so that they can see the light and hope that approaches, in this time, to those who want to see through My silent Heart, which opens a new path of Light for all.

I am the Mother of Paradise, My Gifts and My Graces come for all. Through the Holy Spirit, I awaken the Sacred Gifts of God in each of My children, because I am the Mother of hope, the Mother of joy, the Mother of kindness and charity.

I am the Lady of humility, who envelops you with Her Mantle of Peace.

I am the Mother who protects and safeguards you; and who, in the silence of your hearts, listens to all your supplications.

I am the silent Mother, who walks beside each one of you to take you by the hand to meet Christ, your Lord.

I am the Mother who comes to awaken your beings.

I am the Guiding Star of the Universe. I am the incandescent Star of the night.

I am the New Aurora.

I am the Great Figueira, which sustains all fruits with love and strength.

I am the Sap of Life.

I am the Flower that beautifies.

I am the Pure Water that washes your wounds.

I am the Pure Heart that radiates love and wisdom.

Now, I am your Mother because I was the Mother of Jesus Christ.

I carry with you the heavy cross of life. My walk and My silence, My devotion and My prayer alleviate your cross because I sustain your crosses and wash your wounds.

With My Mantle, I heal your hearts of all inner wounds. I envelop you in the Sacred Shroud of Christ so that you can be born again in spiritual healing and resurrect to the  life of the spirit.

I am the Molecule of Christ.

I am the Breath of the Spirit.

I am the New Dawn that lifts up all those who have fallen.

I am the persevering Mother who seeks each of the children who distance themselves from the Eternal God. I bring you closer to the Kingdom of God, I make you meet the Heart of the Most High.

I am the Mother of Love, Its Mystical Rose.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

If you want to find out who I Am, only look around, look to the infinite, contemplate the stars, contemplate the Kingdoms of Nature.

I Am, My children, the One who gestates the new life, which is present in all that was created.

Was it not said that within a mother a child is gestated?

I Am the One who gestates the Creation of God. All that which must be born comes from My Womb. Therefore, My children, today I contemplate each of your hearts as essences that came from My Womb, which I must take care of and accompany in your growth.

For this reason, I return to the world over the centuries. For this reason, I come day after day to guide each one of your steps, because I Am that Bearer of the Divine Word, who brings in Her hands the Divine Will of God so that it can manifest itself on Earth.

As a good mother, My children, I come to teach the Divine Creation; I come to form each soul of this Earth so that, when you return to the universe, you can take the perfect lessons that the Lady and Mother of the Universe deposited in each of your hearts.

On this evening, I invite you to contemplate the Faces of the Divine Mother, the Faces of the Universal Mother, who must be found in all. And every time you truly seek one of My Faces, She will come to meet you, She will supply the needs of your hearts. It is only necessary that you call me with fervor, with the truth and purity of your hearts.

I am this breeze that touches your beings today, the breath of the Divine Spirit, which comes to permeate the essence and souls of creatures. Feel My Presence in your hearts because I am also in the essence of all beings.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today My Eternal Heart is magnified by being among you. My Heart glorifies God, just as your little hearts do.

But on this very sacred night, when the Star of the Universe shines within the planet, pouring out graces, healing and liberation, I invite you, dear children, to enter the New Jerusalem, to enter the New Earth, enter the New Humanity that My Heart gestates through this great Work of the end of time.

Dear children, do your essences accept to be members of the New Humanity?

Keep this request in your hearts, and in prayer may you meditate on this aspiration of Mine; because the new spirits that will inhabit the Promised Land just like the ancient people of Israel, will eternally praise God.

Angels and Archangels will shine throughout the Earth.

The Manna of life will return to the world, and hearts and spirits will be nourished, sharing with the Redeemer the New Supper, which will not be the Supper of Justice, but rather the Supper of Mercy, the Supper of the glorification of God, the Supper of hallelujah.

Therefore, as His Faithful Servant, I am sent by My Beloved Son to prepare this moment, as a good Mother, as a good peacemaker, a kind and loving Mother who, through each new Apparition, sows a new seed of Light in your essences.

The New Jerusalem came closer tonight. Paradise descended to Earth, and all were able to see it through the heart, through the feeling of love and faith that flows from your lives in such a difficult time.

On this night, I bring you once again to My Sacred Fatima, the star that shone in the darkness, that redeemed the impious and resurrected those who were far from God.

Fatima is peace, Figueira is strength. These are my immaculate fruits that, at the end of this time, I want to awaken in the good consciousnesses that serve God and in those who dare to walk in reconciliation with Christ, your King, your Lord, your Shepherd in these times of darkness.

My Light descends to the Earth, Heaven approaches through My Heart.

The new stars of the universe, which will shine in the firmament of this world, are your precious souls, those that must ascend to Heaven after this earthly life and that will find Me at the door of Paradise, of purgatory and hell because your yes to God will give salvation to many souls. The plan will be concretized.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Tonight, I let a question resound within you, a question that the Lord sends you: 

Do you truly expect the Return of My Son?

I want you to meditate, My children, on the Words that I have pronounced over the last few years because My Word descended to the Earth to prepare the hearts of mankind for the Glorious Return of the King of this Universe. Therefore, I want you to ask yourselves if you are truly preparing a dwelling place so that your Lord may first return in your essences, in your hearts and finally you can see Him crossing the sky.

Are you prepared to see Him face to face? Will you be able to recognize him among the multitude?

My children, meditate on My Instructions today and truly prepare yourselves because it is time for My Word to be manifested. It is time for the promises of Christ to become a reality for all beings of this world.

Who will offer to manifest His miracle of conversion?

Who will raise their arms and say their name when the Lord summons His soldiers?

Who will face the doubts of the heart to trust in the unknown, in the invisible?

Who will overcome fear, which is human and lives in many, to live in this world the Infinite Peace of My Kingdom, even in the midst of chaos?

Today, among those who are present here, I want to summon those who will give their lives to bring to this world My Kingdom of Peace, to bring down, on this Earth, this Kingdom that I show you today in the invisible.

Who will offer themselves?

Who will give their life?

Who will truly prepare themselves to receive the Son of God, to receive God Himself made man, to show His image and likeness, to show you the path which all must follow?

The time has come, My children, for the Christs of the New Time to awaken. Therefore, ignite your essences and let the veils of the past fall because I come tonight to renew each of your souls, to make you enter the New Kingdom, this New Jerusalem that intensely descends in each one of your lives.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Before My Spirit rises to Heaven, I come to bless all My children and all those who unite to My Immaculate Heart, so that this Work of the end of time can be fulfilled.

Therefore, I ask all those spirits to come closer, who will become new Children of My Heart and who will be the arms on this Earth that will work with Me; helping your brothers so that they may also respond to My Call. All can be children of My Heart.

In truth, your response, yesterday, was heard.

May those who were liberated from the prison of suffering also approach tonight; because the Mercy of God, through My Most Holy Son Jesus, has opened the door to freedom, to the expression of the divine soul of each of these beloved children.

I invite you, dear children, to join your hands in prayer, to place your hands close to your heart so that I can bless you.

God has heard your call to the Holy Spirit. Tonight, I want your souls to be rekindled, before My Immaculate Presence, so that the Divine Fire may descend on this place and expand throughout Brazil, embracing the whole world with the Presence of the Holy Spirit.

Feel, through this song, the Gifts and Inspiration of God, the Strength of God, the Love of God and the Divine Science that heals you.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

The children of Mary who are being consecrated today, come, please.

Song: "Ignite My Soul".

Well, as we do after every Apparition, we are going to tell some things that happened, so that we can learn how it is that, on the celestial planes, the movements toward the planet are organized; and how it is that the Divine Hierarchy, the Divine Messengers, work in us as humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, Mary came very close to us, but before the Apparition, many things happened, one after the other.

The Archangels were very present, especially Raphael and Michael, who opened  the doors towards the universe little by little, as our Mother gradually approached.

Today, we saw as well, at one point, the prophets Moses and Isaiah who brought in their hands a book kept in an ark, They said it was an instrument from Heaven which was being transferred from dimension to dimension to be sown in this place.

We saw ourselves before a mystery, but this mystery was so true that we did not doubt that it was real, because God was present through all these things.

Today, we also felt that even the Mineral Kingdom was being grateful, nature, as Sister Lucía said.

Today, we felt the blessing on the Hill, which was something a little inexplicable. Mary approached with the Child Jesus in Her arms. The Child Jesus was walking among the people to liberate them from many things; just by passing by each of you, the energies were released in a very light and harmonious way.

Today, our Mother showed us Her different Faces.  At the end of the Apparition, she manifested as Our Lady of Guadalupe, and all the energy and presence of Guadalupe was deposited on the Hill.

Also, we felt unity with the Indigenous Consciousness. It seemed that many consciousnesses from other points of the Earth, on the spiritual planes, were gathered here, on the Hill, just like the Kingdoms of Nature, we saw them inside a big ark. We felt the presence of Noah and there was something spiritual that was happening before all of this.

When our Mother appeared, behind Her manifested the New Jerusalem or Paradise, which is what we understood from what She told us. This Crystal City, which lives and shines in the Spiritual Universe, was brought today by the Presence of our Mother.

Today, we felt the Presence of the Creator in this whole place. He was present through Mary. We perceived the Feminine Aspect of God as we have never perceived it before. This went beyond the Presence of Mary, but Mary was the center, She was the focus that manifested the Consciousness of God.

She contemplated our hearts with much sweetness and, at one point of the Apparition, when we were relating what She told us, the Faces with which She was naming Herself, at the moment She spoke about the New Jerusalem, She showed us for a few seconds what God has in Her Heart, written for these end of times, for this planet, for this humanity.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

After receiving all that Grace, all these explanations of what happens between God and us, all these revelations that seem like great mysteries, but which become simple when we place them in our heart; because only through our hearts can we understand all these gifts that we are receiving.

We have learned a lot of things between yesterday and today. And one of the most important things that we learned is that it is enough to open our hearts and surrender with fervor to our Divine Mother; because what happened last night prepared the Grace that we received today.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

I just want to add something that I remembered and that Mary asked us to say because She said that it is important for many brothers and sisters.

At the moment when She called the brothers and sisters who are here today visiting us and the sisters who were consecrated as Daughters of Mary, She consecrated this bouquet of flowers for those brothers and sisters as a thank you from Mary to them.

And at the moment of the blessing, when we called the Holy Spirit, She also blessed all the images that are here.


Today My mantle extends itself over the world, sheltering all the helpless of spirit and of heart.  The ray of Brotherhood that is born in My chest is radiated to those who are lacking love, and matures in the heart of those who walk the flame of fraternity and of unity with the beings among themselves, with the kingdoms of nature and with God.

My children, as Queen of the Brotherhood I bring you the Peace of My Kingdom and I deposit in your hearts the brotherhood that the world lacks so much.

A heart that lives in Brotherhood is that which knows how to recognize the need in the situations of life and overcomes them with its actions and with its most pure intention.

A heart that beats in the rhythm of universal Brotherhood is that one which overcomes tiredness and discovers the love of sacrifice, when it is before the need of its fellow human being.

Brotherhood is born in the discovery of the Divine in each being.  Brotherhood clears the eyes that cannot see the presence of My Son in each heart.

Brotherhood grows and matures in the beings that aspire to love their fellow human beings above all things and that discovers in the service to the brothers and sisters the nourishment of its soul.

In Brotherhood is the key to enter into a superior life.  It is by seeking to love one’s fellow human being and to serve them that you will find the door that will bring you to the Kingdom of the Brotherhood.  It is by starting to be fraternal and a partner in this world, that one day you will achieve the merits to know the superior and universal Brotherhood.

My children, today I bring to you the Kingdom of the Brotherhood so that there may be manifested in your hearts the permanent and inextinguishable aspiration to serve one’s fellow human being and to love them, constructing a new life in the world and attracting to the beings the brotherhood that is lived in the Universe of God.

I deposit in your hearts a new seed that must be cultivated by your souls through the permanent search and the perseverance in living brotherhood and fraternity among the beings.  This will be reached when you recognize the perfect Plan of God for each sister soul, when you recognize the crystalline essence that shines in the center of each being and that was created by divine hands to manifest in the universe a principle of love and of unity.

My children, today, at the request of God, I present to you a new face of My Kingdom, that brings to you the archetype of life that all the worlds must manifest.

It is already time to awaken for the new and to let the old be extinguished from your hearts.  Do not fear to discover new beings in yourselves, because all that you need to take this leap is already available before your eyes and your spirits.  Only open the arms and the heart and receive with love the offer that is given you.

I am the Queen of the Brotherhood, the always Virgin and Blessed Mother of Christ and of all the beings.  From My womb come all things, because in this way it was conceded by the Lord to His Universal Servant.

My beloveds, I welcome you today in My maternal arms and I receive you with love in My Kingdom of the Brotherhood, so that through the “yes” of those who represent humanity, little by little, a new life may arise on Earth, so that a greater time of Peace may be conceded to the world.

I love you and I thank you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of the Brotherhood

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The world suffers, but the Queen of Heaven comes to liberate it. The healing of the universe comes to the Earth for all.

Dear children, it is time to open your hearts to peace, so that the evils may dissipate from your lives and you may be reborn in the Spirit of God.

Today, I am in this city to bless it once again, to bring the Merciful Presence of Jesus to your spirits.

Let your eyes open up to the signs of Heaven. It is time to live in My eternal Peace. The Powerful Star is indicating the new way to you.

The new flocks gather in the Lord and proceed on the way to redemption, toward the Sacred Temple of God, that will renew them and heal them, that will liberate them from all evils and they will be reborn again in the Love of God.

Today, dear children, I bring you the Mysteries of Heaven, the Higher Rays born from the Heart of God. The Eternal Father ardently desires to live in your lives.  My Immaculate Heart has offered to fulfill this promise.

I come from Heaven to bring you My Peace, the favorite essence of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, I perpetually pray for your hearts. In your lives I need to build warriors of prayer, who can accomplish the call of Heaven which My Heart brings you in this cycle, to generate the freedom of humanity and forgiveness of the sins that offend God and distance souls from God.

I need you strong in the Rosary, that the beads be a weapon of protection and a constant emanation of love and wisdom; for in this way, dear children, the wise Spirit of Christ will be in you in the end of these times, so that you can recognize Him and live in Him permanently.

Adore His Most Sacred Heart that, day after day, is offended by the actions of souls.

Today, My Kingdom is not only in you, dear children, but it is also is in purgatory and in hell, to liberate hearts that have fallen into error.

Beloved children, raise the flags of peace, raise the banners of love and that your hearts may be perfect stars of faith, so that the darkness may be dissipated from the world and many years of peace may reign among you, waiting for the prompt arrival of My Son Jesus.

Dear children, I need you to be determined, ready to serve in this very definitive era. I only want from your hearts, a flame of prayer; a perfect communion with My Son Jesus every day, that repairs His Flagellated Heart, and that you may be born in Christ to face the difficult moments.

I know that many demons are scattered throughout the world, and the temptations are stronger than the power of prayer. But today, I give you a celestial key, invincible and powerful, that defeats any evil: a unity among the groups of prayer, souls who gather together to pray in the Lord. In this way, you will create celestial spheres in your homes, pillars and banners of light that will expel any evil or sickness.

Dear children, I was on Earth among you. I learned to pray just as you did. But it is necessary, dear children, that you place love and strength in the prayer. It will protect you and shelter you, will make you free of yourselves, and you will find the conversion you seek so much, the liberation from constant failures in your lives, because the Love of Christ will enter your hearts.

Today, dear children, My wish is that on this victorious night of light and redemption, you can be reborn in My arms like new children, because My Immaculate and Celestial Heart once again brings you the blessing and the absolution from your sins so that you may walk firmly behind Me.

Dear children, I Am the Bridge to Christ. I Am the Mediator between your souls and the Great Shepherd. I want to carry you into a profound Adoration, into a true Eucharist, into a constant Confession of your hearts, into a new spiritual Baptism that My Merciful Rays bring to all on this night.

For this reason, dear children, overcome yourselves, surrender yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. I do not come to harm you, but rather to open your eyes to Heaven, that infinite gaze that many have lost for the matters of life.

Heal your hearts through prayer.

Let the Sacraments be pillars of Peace and of Light in these times, in your spirits, in your families and in all the human community.

Resurrect the Teachings of Christ. Be living parables of life. Act through love and unity, that you may now be the true manifested Gospel, because the Words of My Son, the instructions He gave you so long ago, in the same way that He gives them to you in these times, are to be lived, are to be professed by all. Count on My maternal and immaculate help.

My arms stretch out to your hearts, My hands warm your hearts, radiate love, grace and unity, forgiveness, healing and liberation; but it is important that you accept My call.

My time for being among you is ending. Remember My passages throughout the centuries. I need you to rescue the teachings I left to the world. Be the true Marian Message for these times. I need you to be living mirrors of prayer, that you frighten away the evils, that you radiate peace to hearts, and find perfect unity and communion with God.

I need you, now and forever. Listen to My call. Listen to My Voice.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My children, on this night, a ray of liberation crossed the universes, because the Lord granted His Servant the opportunity of opening the abysses of the world to rescue the greatest possible number of souls, to illumine the eyes of those who have lived in darkness for a long time.

My children, today I ask you: who among you will overcome fear and overcome themselves to feel the pain of a neighbour in their own heart and help those who eternally suffer?

This world hides realities that your hearts do not know; and I pray, day and night, so that it not be necessary that you know them. Thus, today I ask that you see the hands that are raised and ask for help to the world. I ask that you fervently pray, that you pray with faith in your heart, to hear the request of those who cry out and whose voice resounds in the world as if resounding in a desert.

My children, today I ask you for a moment of awakening, because the Heart of God is scourged more each day by human actions and by the forgetfulness of hearts. Thus, to those few who came to meet Me, I ask that you are able to awaken for many who live on this Earth.

Today, I ask you, My children, to encourage your hearts to serve for all those who do not serve, to pray for all those who do not pray, to cry out for Mercy for all the Kingdoms of Nature, which each day are more outraged.

My children, I do not want to wound your hearts with My Words, but I need to count on each of your souls. And so that you may truly awaken, I need to show your hearts truths that many refuse to see.

The world chose to learn through pain, although the Son of God came to Earth to offer a learning through love. For this reason, today I tell you not to ignore the Word of Christ once again, to accept to live His teachings at this time, because it is still possible for many souls to learn through love and to not need to know the pain that the world offers them.

My children, today I tell you that it is possible to experience a lesson of joy and of fraternity of one another; but you need to want to, you need to aspire to live that life. You will need to overcome the world and overcome yourselves through prayer and persistence, and in this way, you will receive the merits for a greater time of peace in the world.

I need to form warriors of Mercy, apostles of a new time who do not fear pain, who do not fear death, because they recognize the Power of My Paradise and know that, far beyond the pains of the world, a Kingdom of infinite Peace awaits them.

Today, I invite you to find your strength in sacrifice, in surrender for the awakening of others. I ask you, once again, that you not fear, that you dispel the fear of your hearts and that you give way to the faith that exists in My Kingdom and that each day I radiate into your lives.

Today, I ask you, My beloveds, that you strengthen yourselves through prayer, because the times of definition have already come to the world and it is necessary that you cry out for Mercy, during the time of Justice, so that others may have the opportunity to emerge from the darkness in which they live.

My children, today I ask that you listen to the Voice of My Heart, because today I cry out to humanity as a mother who cries out for her children, because My eyes not only contemplate your hearts, they contemplate the whole world and, beyond this world, they contemplate the souls who are lost and are no longer among you, but continue to suffer and to cry out for help day and night.

Today I ask you, My children, that you never forget the power of prayer, because the world needs more prayer in these times. What you give God is not enough, because humanity is blind to Divine Life, and I need those eyes that are able to see and feel the Divinity, that can be in My Presence, to be the bridge for those who are lost.

My children, may My cry reach your lives, touch your souls and your hearts, so that, once and for all, the world awaken from the illusion in which it lives.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

While the Portals of Heaven open up to the Earth, My Grace is poured out upon the hearts that open and upon these sacred objects that are a divine impulse for hearts of faith.

Thus, I ask, dear children, that you open your hands so I may bless you and your families.


Holy Spirit of God,
flood the simple hearts,
heal the wounded hearts,
close all wounds.

Holy Spirit of God,
ignite the hearts that are in darkness,
resurrect the lives that have fallen,
 bless all spirits that are upon the Earth.


Under My maternal intercession and by the powerful Presence of Christ, your Lord, may the intercession of Emmanuel, the Father-Mother Universal Creator, the Supreme Existence in all things and universes, the Grace of God bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And thus, dear children, My Star of universal brotherhood is projected in all hearts that open to feel My Words and My Eternal Love.

I will listen to your voices and songs.

Let us glorify the Lord: Grace has descended upon you. Rejoice and live in peace.

I love you always and I lead you through My Immaculate Heart.

I will preciously remain here, for a few seconds more, to radiate the Light of My Heart to all those who listen to My Voice, in this hour.

I will lovingly receive your pleas and your requests. The time has come, dear children, for you to place your needs in My Heart. The Queen of Peace will respond to your pleas.


Song: "To Look at You".


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Responding to a request of our Most Holy Mother, we are going to distribute these flowers, these roses that were blessed for those present, were touched by the pure hands of our Mother Mary and directly received the irradiation of Her Immaculate Heart, as a spiritual and divine energy which was radiated upon these flowers.

In this way, in the first instance, all the brothers and sisters who have a rose, we are going to distribute them, according to the request of our Mother, to those who most need them, to whom we feel in our hearts. And at the end, we will distribute the roses that our Mother also blessed.

The brothers and sisters who are in the room below can also come forward to receive the roses.


Song: "Luminous Bird."


Before distributing the roses, we want to share with our brothers and sisters a short account of the Apparition of our Mother.

Before Our Mother's arrival, some angels approached directly from the Celestial Universe, coming to this city, and began to deeply work with our essences, with our inner self and with our souls.

At a certain point, before the Apparition, the portals of the Celestial Universes gradually opened and various triangles of light of a blue color were projected out here. We understood that this symbol represented some portals that were opening.

Our Lady, through a sphere of light, crossed through these triangles of light and presented Herself.

She came as the Queen of Peace. She manifested Herself very strongly for us, with a very crystalline and pure gaze, constantly smiling at us, wearing a white veil, a rose tunic, a golden belt, a blue mantle that covered Her.

At some moments, Our Lady manifested Herself as Our Lady of Sorrows. In light of this Presence, we understood that She was calling us to live the Passion during the Holy Week; that we prepare consciously for that moment, because through the Passion of Our Lord, Our Mother said, when celebrated during the Holy Week, the universe is widely available so that we may receive Codes, Christic Codes that were recorded through the Passion of Christ and that are Light for us, for our beings.

During the Apparition, Our Lady approached increasingly closer.

Today, we were faced with a quite powerful and intense Message, and with each word transmitted by our Mother Mary, She lit up with Light more and more, and symbolically further embraced each person.

She blessed the roses. She asked that we distribute them to whom we felt like, and the rest of the roses here will be distributed also, according to the request of our Mother.

She wants each one to take a petal of the roses, because She wants us to understand, through this symbol, not only the state of Grace She poured out today, but also that we be able to imitate the humility of Mary, receiving a simple petal which each one of us will keep with much love or give to someone who really needs it.

So let us proceed to do what Our Lady requested of us, and after distributing the petals, we will close this work, giving thanks with great joy. Some brothers and sisters of the Monastery will do this task.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want everybody to live in the peace that My Heart pronounces. We are in a difficult time, but peace is possible.

My Heart shines because of being in Argentina today. I have seen that My children responded to My call with more devotion.

You do not know, dear children, the repercussion this had in Heaven; for while you worked with Me today, I remained praying for you so souls could be touched by My Celestial Light.

In this way, dear children, see how simple it is to be an apostle of Christ; pronouncing a true word at the right time and proclaiming faith from your hearts for all, opening doors for those who have them closed.

My Immaculate Heart draws close to your lives today, as it once drew close in Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje. I Am the same one yesterday as today, I Am the Mother of eternity and the eternal present. I know each of your lives, your inner worlds and your intentions.

For this reason, on this night, I gather you together in My Cenacle of Prayer, the same way I did with the apostles, after the victorious departure of My Son to Heaven.

In this same way, My Son sends Me, during this era, so that I can group the flocks and take them to the stable of His Heart, in which all will live an eternal and perpetual Communion; in spite of the fact, dear children, that you are facing a time of purification, My Heart wants to strongly support you, hold you in My arms so you can feel the warmth and the Love of My Heart.

Today I announce Myself in Argentina as the Queen of Peace, just as I announced Myself in Venezuela, a short time ago. Understand, through this mystery of My Heart, dear children, how God sends Me on pilgrimage among the nations and the peoples, opening new doors of Light for all, reconciling hearts and healing lives.

Your true healing of the heart, dear children, is to be found in praying the Holy Rosary. But these times merit praying in an operative way.

Heaven needs to draw close to your consciousnesses so the Holy Spirit of God can act, can gather you as souls in the service of the Creator and aid sick humanity.

Many spirits that are on the Earth are extensively lost because of their actions and deceits; but My Celestial and Maternal Light is seen on the divine horizon and the Star of Peace draws closer to your hearts to remind you of your commitment to Christ.

My Heart does not come to evangelize your lives, but rather to open your hearts to the Greater Source.

Dear children, many of you have forgotten God. Life has taken away the time to pray with God from you and, in this way, you have forgotten about the Commandments, which were so important, dictated to Moses.

In these times, dear children, Christ sends Me to give you New Commandments, Commandments that you will find in the Attributes of the Universal Mother.

Be charitable with others. Be generous with those that most need it. Love those who have never loved and support a true faith in your hearts.

Heaven wants to pour a special Grace over you, but each of your souls has a time to be able to receive it.

Dear children, it is necessary that you create a condition with prayer, so that this Grace, which comes from God through My Heart, is able to be poured out in your lives and your families. I need you to consecrate yourselves to My Heart every day.

Know, dear children, that a good Mother always protects Her children; She prepares them to sleep at night and puts them into the arms of the Creator so that no evil may attack them; evils that are expanding in this world through the bad actions and grudges of human beings, the disturbances many hearts experience, the absence of peace that many live.

Dear children, accept My Universe of Peace, enter into My Ocean of Peace. My Son has granted Me this opportunity for all of you from the beginning, at the foot of the Cross; when He gave Me, as Your Mother, to all the children that are on the Earth. But there must be an inner permission, beloved children, so God may concretize His Plans in your lives.

Difficult times will come, but also times of Graces will come. I call on you to live in that special Grace, and that will begin, dear children, when you place your faith in God and alleviate His offended Heart through prayer, conversion and peace. I invite you to practice these simple things. I have been repeating it throughout the centuries, but very few hearts hear My call.

If you loved the Law of the Lord, there would be no suffering in your lives.

I was a Great Woman on Earth. I was a prophetess of Christ, and carried the Gospel to everyone, through teachings and love.

I know what it is to be a human being. I need you close to Me, so you are able to perceive My celestial energy. I gather you all together in the depths of My Heart. Pay attention, dear children, to the signs that will come. A Greater Grace always awaits you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As I promised, on this night, I bring celestial healing to your lives, and this healing I speak of, My children, is the healing of the soul, the healing of the spirit, which will be able to manifest in your lives only if you say 'yes' and if you open the doors of the heart to live something new, something unknown to your consciousnesses.

My children, at this time, I invite you to find Me with the gaze of the heart. You can visualize My blue Mantle, My pink robe, My white veil which falls over the shoulders, My bare feet which come to teach you the divestment of everything. You can contemplate My Crown of Stars, which represents the Love I have for each of your hearts. Each of your beings, My children, is one of the Stars of My Crown, which I ignite permanently through the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

See now, My children, how the hosts of Light bring to this Earth the Light of My Kingdom, and this Light permeates each of your hearts, enters into your lives and goes beyond your souls; because My Law is not of this world and I can reach all hearts that are connected with your beings, I can reach your families, those beings near and dear, because if one of you says 'yes' to Me, it is as if all of humanity receives that healing.

My children, I invite you to truly open your heart, to allow My Voice to resound within you, and as pure and simple children, you wake up to this call which for some time I have been making.

My children, each of your souls has a universal commitment to Me; thus, today you face My Heart, but it is up to each of you to decide if you will take on this commitment and become an apostle of My Peace or if you will continue in life ignoring the Light that calls you.

My children, these are times of definition for the world, and I want nothing more of your hearts than that you experience the Peace of My Kingdom, that you are able to live a life of fraternity, of unity with others, that you are able to be an example for the souls of the world that did not have the chance of being in My Presence.

My children, in this time it is necessary that there be a great change in humanity, a change in human actions, in feelings and in thoughts, a change in the relationship with the Kingdoms of Nature which have such need of your help.

Today, once again, I reveal that My Maternal Presence is in everything and that My Heart expands in the Kingdoms of Nature. Thus, when you care for these Kingdoms, you are communing of My Presence and of the Purity of My Immaculate Heart.

On this night, My Celestial Light enters into your lives. Thus, I ask that inwardly, you place at My feet all those situations that need light, that need redemption and healing, because if you trust in My Presence, I will always be able to help you, will be able to heal and guide you. In the silence of your hearts, cry out for My help, for I will lift the plea you give Me today to the Lord that, through the purity of His Servant, will grant Her the intercession for all of humanity.

My children, today I call you to a consecration of your life, so that many more are able to be consecrated to the Divine, surrendering their hearts to a Higher Life, opening to the unknown and bringing a Greater Life to the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The healing begins with the faith in God and as from there, dear children, the doors to redemption open.

The Mother of Heaven loves all of Her children, the good Mother of Heaven has no preference for anyone, She loves all hearts the same, for all emerged from the Greater Source. You are sparks of the Spirit of God, flames of devotion which can be ignited in these times to help humanity to conversion and forgiveness.

For this reason, My Son sends Me to the cities to wake up those who sleep and, as a good Mother, remind you of the commitment to Christ, the perfect union of your beings with His Merciful Spirit.

Today, I will give you a simple example, in a new consecration of three precious souls, who on their paths, found Me and recognized Me as the Faithful Feminine Energy, the powerful manifestation of God in this world and in others, in the universes and in the stars, for My Heart comes from the Greater Source.

I Am the emanation of the Love of God for the Earth. I Am the incandescent Star for souls that are in darkness. I revive in spirit all those beings who are fallen, I lift them up with My hands and help them to walk toward Christ for a greater coming together.

Bless their hearts every day; it is possible to receive a Greater Grace, to find forgiveness and peace, which many have forgotten to experience because of the realities of these end times.

But My Merciful and Compassionate Heart also received the Precious Blood of Jesus. I adored the mystery of My Son on the Cross, and Am the first disseminator of His celestial powers, through His Body and His Blood, in the sacred mystery of Communion.

I invite you, on this night of the Cenacle, to enter into My Immaculate Heart so I may bless you and into your lives you may carry the Christic seed of Peace, which must sprout in the end of this time so that you may serve God and those that most have need of God.

You are possible apostles of Love. You are the new evangelizers through prayer. Live the devotion of My Heart. Open the doors of your homes so I may enter; I only need to be with you to be able to fulfill what I came to do in this time: to be the Mother of all, of all creatures, of all souls and of all hearts.

For this response you have given to My Heart, during this night of prayer, I deeply and eternally thank you.

Now, come close so I may bless you, placing My hands on your heads and, in this way, I am able to intercede for all My children before Christ, your Lord.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is waiting for you to come. Please stand up and come here.

Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, on this night, I bless these sacred images, as I have already done so many times for My children. They are a symbol of the favored union between hearts and God, of those who trust in the mystery of My Divine Motherhood.

But I have come from Heaven on this night to bless these three precious creatures who have heard My Voice, just like all those present.

Today, over you I pour My Maternal and Immaculate Love, My Grace is projected like Light over your beings; opening My arms and reaching out My hands, I consecrate you and bless you, asking the Most High and Almighty God to intercede with Christ for all these precious souls that have found a path to My Son in this end time.

Thus, I ask the Archangels and Angels of Heaven to accompany these precious spirits, so they may assemble as a single flock and accomplish the promise of My Son, ardently and with devotion preparing for His Return to the Earth.

As the Most High Mother, I deeply aspire that you be able to recognize My Son when He returns, for He will show Himself to all those who want to hear the Return of the Master in their heart.

I thank you, now and always, blessing you with the Archangel Raphael and His Rays of healing and of transfiguration, which are born from the Fount of God for all the dimensions, the planes and existences, which the Almighty created.

Thus, I bless you under the Power God has given Me as Universal Mother, as Mother of the World, as Queen of Peace and of all hearts, so all beings may stand up from where they have fallen and walk toward Christ in trust and in peace.

My Motherhood protects you, My Light will guide your paths, My Heart will beat in your hearts as long as we are united in the prayer of the heart.

Be glad! This day is special, the Grace of Heaven is close to you and My Heart regards you with Love.

I thank you!


Song: "Revelations in Aurora."


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

To close this meeting with our Most Holy Mother, we want to briefly reveal what happened during today's Apparition.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, as we all were able to hear, Our Divine Mother came as the Queen of Peace, as She described to everybody, with a white veil, light blue Mantle and a rose robe.

And a little before our Divine Mother came, while we were praying, the Angels and Archangels were already approaching this place and were beginning to carry out an intense task with us and with all this city.

They were freeing us from energies that were in us and in the world, which are generated by human actions, which as we all know, are not always the best. So, this is why praying fervently is important, of preparing this path with all our heart, because today, as we prayed intensely, our Divine Mother was able to deepen the task She was doing in this place.

When She was already present, behind Her we could see several doors that reached Heaven. It was as if we could see Paradise behind Her, a place full of Light where angels walked.

And from that place, an intense light was descending, which at the moment when She was speaking of healing, gradually became a green light. And that light entered into each of our beings, cleaning our hearts of all that we have difficulty with in our lives.

When She asked us to surrender those situations we needed to transform, it was as if your souls became very clear. And although you did not say anything, She could see all your beings as if you were transparent. And those who had a small opening of the heart received the intercession of our Mother.

She lifted up our offerings, which went through that portal from whence She came, and they were going to a place we could not see, but which She told us was at the Feet of the Creator.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We had the same vision with Sister Lucía. We just want to add that during a moment of the Apparition, several planets and constellations manifested which surrounded the aura of our Mother.

When our Mother asked for an intercession with the Father, the Archangel Raphael approached and worked directly with our essences and souls, with that which Our Mother calls divine; that inner point which each of us has, which connects us with God. For example, when we pray, that divine nucleus which is our inner God, is activated through prayer and we enter into perfect communion with the universe.

Our Mother emphasized this a great deal to us, and needs us to be able to consciously recover it. She was lovingly offering to help us, not only to heal our inner life, but so that we could unite with God more each day.

At the moment of the blessing, She descended a little more, approached us a little more. She lovingly called all of you for the blessing and, as She said, placed Her hands on our heads and we felt Her Motherly Love, Her protection, Her peace, Her profound harmony and hope. We felt God through Her hands, through the energy She poured out like Light; and symbolically, She embraced us all, holding us tightly to Her Heart so that, on this night and as from this moment, we could trust in Her, because She is our Mediator. She comes to recover that precious thing in us which we have lost, as She told us: joy, hope, fraternity, and mainly the prayer that will, according to our Mother, help us survive in these difficult times.

So, She universally invited us, on this night, to unite with the Universe of God through prayer, reconciliation and the union each of us is able to generate daily through striving, collaborating for this planet, for this humanity, which our Mother sees is spiritually sick and has need of healing, preparing to receive Her Son. And it is not the first time that our Mother tells us Her Son is returning.

On this night, She truly placed each one of us in Her arms, and like a loving Mother, contemplated our problems and difficulties. But on this night, She did not see our problems or difficulties; She contemplated our essences, the love we hold in our heart, and which She said we needed to pour out in this time to avoid some events and to be able to be healed in God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

While the Friar was telling the story, I remembered something.

When our Divine Mother began to make a movement, in which the Light descended from the Celestial Kingdom, and we could see that the Archangel Raphael was approaching with an intense green Light, and we felt the energy of healing reaching this place, our Divine Mother was telling us:

"I will be able to heal your souls, your hearts and your lives, but will you be ready to maintain what I will give you?"

We would like all of us to hold this question in our hearts, because in the same way that it is simple to receive this healing, it is also very simple to lose it through the actions in our lives. Because little by little, we go forgetting God, and if we don't hold on to this moment through our persistence and our prayer, this moment goes, getting lost in our lives.

So, our Divine Mother left us with a commitment, which is something simple: that we remember that energy She leaves within us and that, through our devotion and our faith, we become able to make it grow and multiply beyond ourselves, so that it may reach our brothers and sisters, so that others, through us, are able to receive what we received today.


Enter into prayer in My Merciful arms, for just as God sends tests to His children, He also sends the consolation you need to overcome them. There is no pain in the world that cannot be alleviated.

The Will of the Lord was that His creatures, through the living example of His Son, would be able to learn through love, but the choice of the human consciousness was to learn through suffering.

My dear ones, the Heart of God also suffers because of pouring out Justice upon His children, but the Lord respects the free will of His creatures and knowns how necessary it is that humanity grow and mature in its heart and spirit.

What takes place with humankind is still little for balancing all the evil caused by humankind itself with their fellow beings and with all the kingdoms, of which you should be guardians.

My beloveds, God is Love and is infinite Forgiveness; His Mercy never ceases to stream over the world, but it is necessary to want with the heart and ask the Father that this Sublime Source to be poured out over the Earth.

Today I come to the world to bring you encouragement once again. Each time My feet touch the Earth, it is to carry under My Mantle the souls that said 'yes' and the souls that, through the intercession of others, were able to be liberated from the darkness in which they found themselves.

Ignorance darkened the life of human beings and closed hearts to the existence of the sublime and the sacred; for this reason, it is necessary that those who receive the Light of Wisdom and of Divine Knowledge, those whose paths were illumined by the Mercy of Christ, be the new light for humanity. The only thing I ask of you so that this may happen is that you pray, but truly pray, with intention, with fervor, with the heart ablaze in the cry you raise on behalf of the world.

Do not allow, My children, the darkness which covers the world to cover your eyes again. Keep on the path that takes you to the Heart of Christ, so that through Him you may find God.

My beloveds, on this day I tell you that it is possible that the Plan of redemption of all consciousnesses may be fulfilled, and in the face of the unpredictability of hearts, it is possible that this Plan be accomplished through the Divine Love in your hearts. For this, it is necessary that those who have already removed the blindfold from their eyes, also remove it from their heart and their consciousness, and go ever deeper in that unveiling of the Love of God in His Son.

Love what God gave to the world through Christ and seek that Love with all your strength and with the total aspiration of your lives. In this way, you will find a sure path of consecration.

I do not know what you fear, since the only thing I bring you is the Love and the Peace of My Kingdom. Just allow yourselves to receive those Divine Graces, and in this way, I will be able to show you the Power that God sends through His Messengers.

These are the times to truly open up, to give of yourselves to the Lord completely. Present your faces before God, so that the Sacred Seals be impressed upon your forehead, and thus awaken the Living Christ within each one.

May the pain of your neighbor awaken love in your hearts and that, through the awakening of the nations, suffering in the world will no longer be necessary.

If you help Me in My Plan of Peace, I will be able to reach where My Peace is extremely necessary, and little by little, remove from the abysses of the world those who committed to Me and to God for the end of times.

Work with love and perpetually pray.

To those who are waking up, do not stop your steps and continue to grow in spirit and in awareness, for the path offered to you is eternal.

I thank you for being with Me in prayer!

Your beloved Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all nations of the whole world


One month since the last marathon in the blessed City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, My Christic Consciousness returns to the origin of the origin, returns to the place where you have seen Me walking between the orange trees as was prophesized.

May this fourth marathon represent the perfect harmony for the hearts that pray the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy because the lack of harmony in humanity, in the continents, in the oceans and principally in the Kingdoms is leading to a disequilibrium of the axis of the planet.

But the Infinite Source of My Mercy perfectly harmonizes and aligns everyday all of the axes of the Earth and this is always possible when the prayerful ones call Me in prayer.

This fourth marathon that will be realized for the second time at the Marian Center of Aurora will have the purely spiritual aim of being able to repair extremely grave situations that have been gestated in the consciousness of humanity.

For this, through the Kingdom of Aurora and through the Lady of Aurora all of the prayers will be elevated to Heaven during this marathon so that they may be presented before the Thrones of God.  In this way Your Mother, by means of the loving intercession of Her Son Jesus, will ask for more Peace and for more Mercy for the whole world.

My principle intention for this fourth marathon will be the spiritual unity between the four Marian Centers, the one of Aurora, the one of Figueira, the one of the Holy Spirit and the one of the Child King.  This will permit the great celestial spheres to be radiated from the universe towards the Earth and once again that humanity be relieved.

All of the groups of prayer that follow the inner construction of these marathons will also be able to be united under the impulse of merciful prayer.

The Kingdom of Aurora expects that by the end of the 13th day of November Heaven will have complied with the task of redeeming the souls of this world.  Each new encounter with Me promises a change in the consciousness, in the life and in the cells of the physical body for those who open themselves in trust to My Redeeming Call.

With joy Heaven will be united again with the sacred lands of Aurora and this will be possible because of your fellowship with Christ.

I will thank in advance the effort of all of the marathon participants for taking part in this fourth marathon.  During the 5th Marathon of the Divine Mercy that will take place in the city of Londrina, the State of Paraná, Brazil, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will carry out a regional blessing for all of the South of Brazil with the aim of complying with the divine request of peace and of unity among all of the people from Brazil.

My companions,

Today My Heart approaches you to encourage you to go ahead.  Do not fear for the graveness of your faults or for them to occur, fear whenever you are not able to recognize that you need My Mercy, as most souls do not direct their problems to My Wise Heart.

I Am among you to make you grow up and love.  I wait for you in the communion of the heart.  

A good day of praying for all the marathon participants!

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Eternal Heart of Love!

Christ Jesus

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Pray with your heart and with your spirit; in this way, My Verb will unite with yours and My Presence will be perceptible to your small being.

Pray for the nations, for the peoples, for the world, and go with your purest intention, traveling this planet; in this way, you will learn to fly like the Luminous Bird that rescues those most in need.

Pray for your brothers and sisters, for your friends and for your enemies, with the same love and with the same fervor, because the difference between souls is in your eyes rather than in the Eyes of God.

Unite with the Divine Gaze and contemplate the unique essence of each creature that lives on Earth.

Pray with love for the Kingdoms, just as you would pray for those that are at your side and greatly suffer, because the Kingdoms are also at your side and many times, suffer even more than your brothers and sisters.

Pray directing your aspirations to the Universe, to Infinity, so that the One who reigns in this universe is able to receive your aspirations and concretize His Greater Will in you.

Pray for what you know has need of your prayers, but also pray for situations unknown to you, because your eyes have limits and and so does your knowledge; but there is the One who has no limits, who sees everything, and can guide your prayers to where they are needed.

Pray for the oceans and for everything that lives in them.

Pray for the air and for everything that breathes it.

Pray for what is visible to you and for what is invisible also.

Pray for what you know is living and for what you do not know, but also has life.

Let your prayer expand and your verb cross the walls of your small house. Let your prayer be infinite and powerful, strong enough to travel through the whole world. You will achieve this if you take your small verb and offer it to the very great Divine Verb.

Unite your voice to the great Voice of the Universe.

Unite your heart with the Universal Heart and in this way, you will find yourself within everything, within the all.

I come to lead you to this state of consciousness, because the time has come for being one with the One who is in everything, and for discovering this Universal and Divine King in all things.

If you listen to My Words with your heart and, while you pray, you remember each one of them, you will then discover that great and silent mystery in which your small consciousness is immersed.

Seek to be simple, My child, so that in the simplicity, you come to know the One who is Purity itself, who is Love itself and Truth itself. 

Place your hands on Mine and walk at My side; I come today to lead you through the Celestial Universe.

I thank you for walking with Me on this universal journey.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Message for the Apparition of Mary, Mother of Reconciliation and Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Beloved children,

My maternal request was announced yesterday for the spiritual emergence of the communication network Misericordia María. This project, which is not a earthly project, but a spiritual project, will attempt to reach the hearts of the homes in a fraternal, ordered and peaceful way, because the purpose of Misericordia María will be to open the doors to all souls so that they may hear My Message and the Message of My Son, Jesus.

You must have asked yourselves: why will the Celestial Hierarchy need to transmit Its Words through a means of communication? Because of the planetary urgency, the lack of awareness about the events in humanity, the need for peace and prayer in homes, the constant union with God, and mainly because of the redemption of the souls that in these times are linked to the networks of evil. It is a reason and an aspiration of My Immaculate Heart that My Kingdom of Peace may obtain victory over the world before the glorious arrival of My Son.

But this project of My Heart is a timeless project, this means, My dear children, that the Celestial Hierarchy will communicate Its Words and consequently pour out Its Graces for an undetermined time, because the Father has asked us, the Celestial Messengers, to do everything possible so that a great part of the consciousnesses of humanity may withdraw from modernities and enter, through this project, into experiencing their own redemption.

Misericordia María is an archetype of more direct and advanced communication that will operate through celestial principles, which will protect the development of the task, and this will avoid the influence of the external realities towards the task.

I mean, dear children, that Misericordia María will not be a broadcaster similar to those that exist nowadays in the world and those that confuse souls. This project will directly reach the most profound nuclei of the inner beings through the work of the Holy Spirit and thus, it will cease to be something superficial and material.

All that the Celestial Hierarchy requests, we communicate with a high degree of love and wisdom to prevent those who receive the call from interpreting it or becoming confused.

For the first time in the History of humanity, Heaven asks, through this call, for a project that is little understood by the consciousnesses. But Misericordia María will have the foundation of prayer, fasting, and the loving surrender of those who are willing to carry the task forward, under the vow of obedience and order for this design that My maternal Consciousness is carrying out.

Misericordia María wants to take the Mercy of God to the homes. Therefore, this project of communication will experience principles, to banish from the unconscious of the servers something that this world awakens by mistake such as vainglory, vanity, power and competition among beings.

Misericordia María, through the Christic principles, will gradually liberate these needs of self-realization from the unconscious, and thus it will place the Light of the Divine Kingdom in the hearts.

It will be a task of Misericordia María to repolarize the consciousnesses of the world that have been dominated by the modernity of evil, so that through its impulses, beings may awaken to God, their Lord.

Misericordia María will be the heart of the Heart of Mary, which will lovingly beat to transmit impulses of fraternity, healing and forgiveness, which is what the present humanity needs.

The Christic principles of Misericordia María are the following:

1. Transmit the true and healing love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

2. Approach the consciousnesses and the souls to the saving Message of the Sacred Hearts.

3. Rescue for everyone, the value of the Creation of God through the care of all Kingdoms.

4. Unite the groups of prayer under the same Divine Purpose.

5. Be a bridge of redemption and forgiveness among families.

6. Fraternize in the whole world through the devotion to the Sacred Hearts.

7. Express the pilgrims' experiences of faith as an inner testimony of conversion.

8. Liberate the unconscious of humanity from the influences and deceits of evil.

9. Generate in the consciousness of the whole world the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

10. Train those who awaken as soldiers of prayer.

11. Build among pilgrims the Love of Christ.

12. Activate in the consciousnesses the importance of responding to the call of God.

13. Establish within the hearts the spirit of humility and peace.

14. Eradicate suffering through the union with the Divine Mercy.

15. Congregate groups of prayer so that they respond to the call of planetary prayer.

16. Awaken in the souls the true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

17. Close the uncertain doors of the enemy in the homes, so that the celestial doors may be opened in the hearts.

18. Create a perfect unity between souls and the universe.

19. Gather the presence of the protecting Guardian Angel among the souls.

20. Be conscious of the importance of living in the Law of God.

21. Be a link between homes and the Immaculate Heart.

22. Generate a peaceful response in all beings.

23. Elevate the realities of families towards the spheres of prayer and harmony.

24. Support those who try to pray every day.

25. Accompany, like the Most Holy Mary, the soul that awakens for the first time to the call.

26. Convert human pain into spiritual healing and redemption.

27. Be the shining sun of the Heart of Mary so that all may recognize Her.

28. Work tirelessly for peace in the world.

29. Serve the Plan of God above all things.

30. Illuminate the spaces that are dark.

31. Reconcile the souls in most need with the good of Christ.

32. Merge the hearts in the Presence of the Sacred Hearts.

Dear children, these principles will allow My Marian project to be fulfilled under the protection of My maternal Light.

I thank you for supporting and collaborating in this call!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Reconciliation

Message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Fortín Santa Rosa, Canelones, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Little children of My Heart,

Today I want to dictate words of encouragement, of hope, of joy to you, so that united with the attributes of My Heart, you are able to move beyond the tests that God sends to your lives.

My beloveds, these are times of much suffering for the world, for all the Kingdoms of My Heart, and those who are willing, in prayer and in peace, to serve all these Kingdoms must grow and become stronger every day in My Maternal Heart.

Many tests are still to come, and they will be ever more intense and deeper, for the Lord aspires to purify the depths of His creatures.

To overcome each test, your hearts cannot lose their joy and the hope of continuing forward. The joy in the hearts of My children will make each fall light and will help them to get back up, always noticing the great need there is in the world, and how necessary it is to learn to fall and get back up every day.

My Heart addresses all the hearts of the world, because each being that lives on this Earth must awaken to be a soldier of My Marian army, that fights for peace through prayer.

All who live on this Earth at this time come from the Heart of God, and to Him you must return, when you have learned to overcome the tests of life through persistence in the Heart of God and through love.

My children, all the hearts of the world - each one within its lessons - experience hard tests in their maturation. Those that do not know Me are submerged in suffering, and become lost in this sea of pain and of darkness that grows in the world; but those who at some point have heard My Voice, must raise their arms and cannot allow themselves to be submerged in suffering.

Know  how to see, My dear ones, the difficulties of life as opportunities for maturing the spirit, of learning and of helping others that are in this same situation.

The warnings of the Messengers of God are always to propel you towards the Celestial Heart of God. So allow yourselves to be shaped by the Hands of the Creator through His Messengers. Be like light vessels to be shaped by the hands of the Potters of God, so that when it is the correct time, the Water of Life may be poured into your hearts and, through you, it may reach all of humanity and all the Kingdoms.

Today I also tell you that in your hearts, greater love and greater understanding for the Kingdoms of Nature must emerge. Through prayer, seek to know the greatness of these Kingdoms, and in them find My Heart, for in the Kingdoms, My Spirit already has an everlasting dwelling place.

My dears, with the heart full of joy, continue forward in spite of all the tiredness, in spite of all the tests, in spite of the feeling that your feet do not move from where they are. Do not worry, for if you just take one step, My Heart will take all the rest toward your hearts, but it is necessary that this first step be taken.

I love you and bless you always; I hold you in My Sacred Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Queen of the Hearts,transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children,

Today My most appreciated souls, those souls who suffered the abandonment of this world, are with Me in My Kingdom. Therefore, as Mother of the Holy Rosary, from My maternal Heart I want to thank those who gathered during these days of the Vigil of Prayer for the coming of the Holy Father Francis.

Dear children, when you pray with the heart, other divine and special events are carried out by the angels of Heaven and this helps in the redemption of humanity.

My children, your next step of humility and fraternity will be your presence in the meeting with the Holy Father on World Youth Day.

When souls congregate in the name of God, evil is removed from the world. When all hearts unite without observing the different paths they tread, the infinite Grace descends upon everyone.

Therefore, today I want to demonstrate to you, My little ones, that you and each one of your hearts are instruments in the Hands of God, so that He, in His infinite glory, may fulfill the work of the end of times. Open your hearts without fear, and trust that all is under the loving sight of God.

Dear children, He needs you now, He expects that you love Him, more every day and that you glorify Him. The Heart of God is tired of so many outrages and so much indifference, but His Love for you is inexhaustible. He expects that His beloved children repair Him, help Him. Although His Power is merciful and strong, He waits for the warm prayer of His creatures.

See how God is flagellated through the Plant Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Mineral Kingdom and even the Angelic Kingdom, God is in everything. Therefore, My little ones, it is time for you to become aware of the great service of love and prayer that your lives can realize.

For this, you always have Me, and by faith and Mercy I still descend from Heaven towards your presence to tell you:

" Dear children, the moment of the great step of your beings is now. Christ counts on the new apostles of forgiveness and peace." 

Dear children, you will be in My blessed Immaculate Heart for all eternity. It is time for humanity to become aware that it must unite itself in love and in spirit as one so that the new light may be born in the world.

After being with you, month by month, My loving and fervent Heart repeats in prayer to God before His Heavenly Kingdom:

Oh, New Aurora!
that will emerge as infinite Light
within simple and humble hearts.
Hail, Aurora of the morning!
that will awaken before God
out of love and Mercy.
Beloved Kingdom of the sublime heights,
Sacred Heart of the Lord,
have Mercy and hope for this world.
Oh, beloved Most High God!
My Soul in Heaven glorifies You,
supplicates to You, implores You and asks You in reverence and devotion:
Open Your glorified Eyes, beloved God!
and observe, in the sky of Your created universe,
the redeemed stars
that say yes to Your saving Project.
Oh, beloved Eternal Father!
You are love and compassion,
oh, beloved Lord of the Universe!
You are infinite Light in each being,
remain in Your children,
awaken in them
the powerful strength of Your redemption.
Through the victorious glory of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
may they reach the eternal life of prayer and peace,
now and always.
Because only through You, Lord,
will humanity be one.
Because only through You, Lord,
will Your Holy Spirit
renew the face of the Earth.
Accept the offer of Your children
and pour out Your Mercy
upon those who are fallen and helpless.
Only through You, Lord,
will we experience the Love of Paradise.
That Your Light may always reign
among hearts and souls.
Father, we await
the glorious coming of the universal King.

This is My request of Mercy to God so you will be able to feel how your prayer is so important in these times.

Thanks, dear children, for responding to My calls!

In blessing and light,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Monthly Messages
Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, transmittedin the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

For another month, today I gather everyone into the depths of My Immaculate Heart, in this way, preparing the anniversary of Graces that will take place during the next month of August, in the original place where Heaven touched Earth.

For this purpose, and so that more hearts may awaken to My call, I invite all the prayer groups, for love and universal order, to help through their prayers and their donations so that the mission of the new bridge that is being built, and has not yet been finalized, may be fulfilled at the Marian Center of Aurora.

My dear children, if among everyone we are not able to gather the praying and donating efforts to concretize this bridge, before the month of August, this bridge, that wants to lead you to peace, will not be concretized.

Therefore, as Mother, I invite all My children to fulfill this request in truth, love and faith. Today I reveal to you that, some time ago, I asked My visionaries for the construction of a new bridge, for everyone to be able to reach the Marian Center.

Now I ask you, My beloveds, to incarnate the symbol of My petition within all of you.

What will it mean for your souls to build a new bridge and to concretize it, even in the physical plane?

God is showing you that, in this time of change, the bridges will be built by all.

My children, as a Mother, I give you this challenge that, if it be fulfilled with love by My dear children, the Marian Center of Aurora will be able to count on a secure path for the next month of August, in which My children will be able to cross.

While My Heart speaks about these small things, it wants to transmit to you the importance of everybody being able to build a new world based on spiritual maturity and faith.

If this bridge is able to be built before August 8th of this year, the current path and the ecosystem that is used by all will no longer suffer aggressions, and the Kingdoms will be able to once more approach all the regions of the Marian Center and to manifest, in this way, the harmony that existed, when the old bridge was present.

But what will building a new bridge mean?

It is a new spiritual alliance that is symbolically established, even on the material plane.

Therefore, this important act of charity by those who pray will allow to create a new consciousness within everybody, thus bringing wisdom and understanding about the essence of each one of My requests.

I want My little ones to understand that building a simple bridge, that leads to the Light of My Marian Center, has a planetary repercussion because, in this way, one rebuilds in the consciousness of humanity something that was destroyed by evil.

Dear children, may you experience this challenge in peace and, in the month of August, I Myself, The Virgin Mary, may cross the bridge that My children built with love for Me, to be able to reach the eternal Temple of prayer.

The month of August will announce profound and true revelations for all those who open themselves and reach Aurora with an open heart.

Today, I only ask you to pray for this symbolic bridge to be able to manifest itself. As good children, help so that this bridge for peace may be concretized.

The New Humanity will be born under the loving impulse of the hearts that are good, simple and humble, hearts that only radiate love and peace.

I thank you for responding with love and truth to My call for peace!

I bless and tell you: Go ahead, My workers, get to work!

Who thanks you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Message for the apparition of the blessed Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

Praise be always Our Lord Jesus Christ.

My beloveds, I thank you for responding with promptness to My call. The trust of My children allows My Heart to reach the most distant souls. Each time that your small beings take one more step in the commitment you have to Me, you allow the Lord to open the path for My Heart to be  among you for a longer time.

Therefore, My children, I ask you day and night to trust My Words, My guidance, that you follow without fear the path indicated by My Heart, because you will soon understand where I am taking you with My steps of Pilgrim.

The trust in My Heart will lead you to a total transformation of the heart, mind and spirit. I lead you to the redemption of life and teach you to be intercessors before God, as I am for the souls.

I am forming in your hearts a fortress of faith, for when My feet can no longer rest upon the Earth and My Word will not be so near to your beings.

Through faith you will always find Me in your hearts, and this same faith will lead you to pray for your brothers and sisters, so that, up to the last moment of your lives you will be fighting for the salvation of the most lost souls.

For My Heart to be able to bring to the Heavens even the last of the souls that are in this world, I will need many intercessors with a flame of devotion ignited in the heart. This is built now, when My feet are still on the Earth, when My Word, through My visionaries can directly reach your hearts and your beings.

Build in this time, in which you live so near to Me, the full trust in My Mother's Heart. Trust My Presence and My Words and do not fear to respond to My call, wherever it takes you.

The Lord observes you and, through the answer of your consciousnesses, I may intervene, more or less, for the world and for the souls. Your love, your prayers and your actions dictate My steps. If you understood the importance of these words you would change the course of your lives and you would have the focus of your hearts on My Immaculate Heart.

I leave this simple reflection so your beings may meditate on the actions of your own lives, on the love you are capable of living and on the word you emit. Observe, from the heart, always from the heart, if you are capable of taking the steps in the transformation of your being, for the salvation of souls, of the Kingdoms and of the world.

My Heart accompanies you with Love and will always be beside your beings.

Thanks for listening to My call to the trust of the heart.

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace


My heart feels and receives today the embrace of your love. Today My Heart prays, prays for the world and in silence contemplates the great moment for the souls. For this My Sacerdotal Priesthood congregates in prayer the believers and not believers because the Immaculate Heart prepares and gestates the inner temple in the hearts, hearts where the Sacred Heart intends to dwell.

My dears, in the second day of vigil in which you will receive the Virginal and Maternal presence of the Mother of the World, I ask you that from now on you cultivate in yourselves a meek heart, a trusting heart that will have engraved the powerful standard of My Heart to achieve the victory of the Kingdom of Heavens in the opaque kingdoms of the Earth.

Above all things and situations I ask you to contemplate the greatness that My Father has created through Nature and through the Kingdoms. Every space manifested by the All Powerful must be contemplated with love and devotion because Creation must also be the motive of your perpetual prayer of the heart.

If you contemplate Creation, this divine manifestation of My Father will also be saved again. Some of My New Disciples must also take the torch of peace and love so that all may awaken to the urgent moment that, as humanity, we are living.

It is indispensable to watch for all in vigil and in prayer, in this way My Heart will pleased  by listening to your voices and by contemplating the beauty of your souls.

My dears, may the reason for your life be the consecration of your hearts to My Sacred Heart and thus, as souls, you will open the door to those to whom it has a long time been definitively closed to the life of spirit.

But My unfathomable Mercy returns before My Presence to liberate from the fire of hell those who have fallen in the abysses of illusion, desires and modernity. The magnificent key of your protection will be the love that you may live through prayer.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My last words in the heart, preparing words.

Peace on Earth.

Christ Jesus. 

Special message received of the Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Children, today I keep you all in My Heart, and this means a victory of My Immaculate Heart in your hearts. My arms are open to gather within My heart the praying servers of My Son Jesus because the moment to share the life of prayer and fraternity among all the souls of the world is arriving.

Dear children, with joy, I invite you once again to the prayer of the heart. Prayer must be your constant work of love; a prayer that resounds in your hearts, that builds the goodness and peace among the groups, families and nations; a prayer that helps the souls that day by day despair due to not finding the correct path towards light and peace.

Children, as Queen of Peace, I call you to be permanently in the Kingdom of My Peace. This Kingdom, of victory and glory in the Heavens, is near your lives and homes. This Kingdom that My heart wishes so much that you are able to gestate through examples of goodness and charity, of love and brotherhood.

Children, you know that My Heart of Mother watches over all the children in the world and that the world is in a spiritual crisis due to the lack of love in the hearts of the human beings towards the Kingdoms created by My Father. They ask humanity for help and assistance; day by day souls suffer and are discouraged. This is the evil of the enemy that can take the attention of My children away from prayer.

Therefore, dear children, I still appear here, as in Medjugorje and in Salta, to sustain, with My maternal spirit, the inner chaos of humanity.

As a Mother who consoles the afflicted and in despair, I ask you that, week by week, as you have done on Tuesdays, My little ones, you embrace with love the life of prayer and, in groups, pray for the concretion of the Plans of God on Earth, pray for peace and for the conversion of all who need the Love of God.

I constantly gather the prayers of My children throughout the whole world, day by day. When you pray with Me My spirit of love is among you, within your homes, feeling the hearts and needs of each child.

Open the doors to Me! because I want to reign within your hearts, in your families, marriages and friendships. I am the Sun that descends upon the universe to heal you and finally take you to the Arms of My Son.

I share, at the time of emergency, the need of all My children; but you must continue praying for the world to reach a time of more peace, to avoid wars and persecutions.

Children, the prophetic book of yesterday is already open and all can change through your loving interest for the life of prayer of the heart.

I guide you, support you, I encourage you towards the transformation of your lives. I want you to reach, while you are on Earth, the real Kingdom of Paradise. For this to happen, you must say yes to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

God contemplates the good works of those who with love give their lives for the salvation of the world, through prayer and charity.

I am with you and thank all the groups for trusting, once again, in My urgent call for the total salvation of the world.

Who loves you, mercifully,

Mary, Queen of Peace


From the Heart of the Universe today I come to your encounter. In the name of Jesus, My Maternal Soul comes to heal and restore hearts.

Dear children,

Today I invite you again to enter into My Immaculate Heart so that your inner dwellings, in spite of everything, may be able to find, see and feel the Omnipotent Presence of God. If you only enter into My Immaculate and Maternal Heart your little lives will be quenching the great thirst that My Son has for all souls.

My children, that today your hearts may be fountains that emanate love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Dear children, that your essences may be as the inexhaustible waters that, converted into rivers of Mercy, may quench the thirst for love and peace of all the souls of the world by means of service.

As the Mother of the Universe and of the Earth, today I come to manifest My Love to you in a time of great changes in the consciousnesses and in the life of all My children.

Little children, in the face of the great faults that are committed day to day by humanity, today I invite you to consider your lives of prayer to be an exercise that may repair the Kingdom of the Heavens. Therefore, may your lives never forget to find the inner child, because in this way My Son will pour over you the Gifts and Graces of Redemption and Mercy.

If the world simply prayed a little more, the Light of the Most High would be another fountain that would calm the thirst of all His children. But as long as there are hearts that are closed to My Maternal Call, all that will be left to My children is to grow, as a seed grows from within the earth. But this seed must not lack the Water of Life , the inexhaustible fountain that causes the true hearts to emerge in the creatures.

My venerable children, I am here to teach you to walk under the Love of God and so that your eyes may not lose sight of Mercy on the horizon.

Dear children, today I invite you to love the Creation as God has manifested it for all, and this will begin through your love for the magnificence of the Kingdoms of the Lord.

Praying with fervor for this world, I call you so that during this day you may remain in My Maternal Kingdom of Love, because you need it, as does humanity. Therefore today let us flood with love the hearts that are empty and without God.

You still have time to change from the heart! For this I am with you!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Feel the subtle perfume of My prayers for humanity. Guard in your hearts the essence of faith. Awaken in your hearts the call to hope. Aid humanity together with Me by means of the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, accept My Good News because Jesus wants to dwell in your hearts forever. My children, today I call you to pray for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and for the salvation of humanity. You hold in this world the greatest treasure that God has given you: nature, His Creation.

For this reason, dear children, pray for the salvation of each one of the elements of Creation. May your prayer reach the Heavens so that it may be heard by the Heart of God.

In your hands is the possibility of Mercy for the world. In your hands is prayer, the path towards the new and the good, the hope of a better world, which must live under the Laws of Love and Peace.

Little children, for all that to be possible you have the presence of My Helping Heart, of My maternal gaze upon each one of you. As the Queen of Peace I ask you to strengthen the path of prayer that you are lovingly realizing.

Know, dear children, that each moment of prayer helps a soul of this humanity.

When I call you to prayer I am calling you to become conscious before the need of Mercy. As the Lady of Graces I give you My Maternal Blessing and I invite you to go forward.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Continue to pray every day because the supplication of humanity is being heard.

My children,

With all of you in the center of My Immaculate Heart, today I call you to prepare yourselves by means of the vigil of prayer that all My children are being called to carry out tomorrow, on the 11th.

Dear children, God is receiving true impulses of love from all of you. I invite you to continue praying for the world. My Immaculate Heart elevates the pleas of all My children, and God, in His Infinite Mercy, contemplates the love of all His children.

Dear children, go forward, go forward! And do not stop the victorious art of prayer. This is the time to share, your prayer is equivalent to the charity of many hands. With the coming of My Son everyone will be able to be touched by the Mercy of the Redeemer.

It is time to propagate the importance of praying with love for the redemption of all My children. You, My little ones, have received the greatest instrument from the Universe of God and this instrument is called the “prayer of the heart.”

And today, extending My merciful arms and My Mantle of Light on all who need it, I ask you to continue through the Christian path that is being built from your hearts.

My Son, under the High Glory of God, contemplates you with His Eyes of compassion. He invites you to work for Celestial Peace and, in the name of this Celestial Peace, it is time to help the world, the Kingdoms and humanity.

May the Holy Spirit be the flame of wisdom in the hearts of all My children. I will accompany you always, and whenever you allow Me to, because I love you.

In the Merciful Love, praised be the Redeemer!

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Peace! Peace! Peace in the hearts of all My children! Come to My Kingdom because in this place of love and peace My Immaculate Heart will heal you. Open your arms and receive from My Heart the flame that will illuminate you to travel the new path with My Son, a path called Redemption.

Dear children,

May your hearts rejoice because My Immaculate Peace is with each one of you. Know well that all your prayers count a lot in the universe, especially the prayers that are born from the essence of the heart.

Today I ask that you wait for Me in prayer each day. If so, My merciful eyes will contemplate you preparing the salvation of all the essences of God.

The world waits for your prayers and so do My children that do not pray. Therefore, contemplate with Mercy each one of the Kingdoms created by the wise Hands of God and know that they need all My children who are on Earth.

You, dear children, have the primordial key of the prayer of the heart, which will open the Sources of the Heavens so that more Mercy may descend.

My children, you have in your hands the possibility of mak- ing the decision for a new life. My Son Jesus, the Most High Guardian of all the hearts, waits for you so that, united in vigil and in prayer, you may help the heart of all the souls who are deaf and do not hear the Voice of My Heart.

I thank you for your persistence. Walk towards the Light, forgetting the past with love so that your spirit may be reborn.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As I am a mediating Mother between the souls and God, today I ask you, dear children, to consecrate your lives in a definitive way to the Plan of God, a Plan of Love that Our Lord has for each one of you.

For this, My children, awaken today and see with the eyes of the heart all the goodness and the Mercy that My Son is giving you through the Mother of Peace.

Dear children, you know that humanity needs Mercy daily. For this reason I invite you to remember in each moment the presence of the Heart of Jesus in the world and especially His awaited return. With your hearts open, today I also invite you to remain in the arms of God, the Creator, so that each one of My children may be able to find support and firmness to face the steps of the transformation of the heart.

Your lives and the whole world are going through great changes, changes that are watched from the Heavens and that are accompanied by the eternal giving of Jesus, of His Sacred Heart, and by the surrender I make to you by means of My Immaculate Heart.

With this I want to tell you not to lose the aspiration of fulfilling the Purpose of God, because the changes call you to transform the feeling and the inner consciousness, leading to a spirit of total collaboration with the Divine Works of the Father.

My children, in this sense it is necessary that more souls be able to adhere to the celestial proposal that God suggests to you through My Maternal Heart and My daily call to each one of you.

My Maternal Heart waits for you so that, in alliance with Christ, the world may be able to shine as the true gift created by God with His Hands, and that He gave to you out of love.

All My children are faithfully co-responsible for the manifestation of the Creator. The time has come to repair the faults and to pray for all of Creation, and even more for that which has suffered unconscious interference from humanity.

Today place all the Kingdoms of Nature in your prayers. They expect harmonious giving from you. Let us repair, in the name of the Love of My Son, all that which needs to be repaired.

Let us pray with the heart. This is your commitment with the One and Only.

I thank you!

Thank you for helping all the Kingdoms of the Creation of God.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

