Pray, because the more awakened the ones who committed themselves with Christ are, the greater is their responsibility before the planet and the Plan of the Creator.

Pray, because in the same time that you awaken, the world agonizes and those who are submerged in darkness enter deeper into their abysses.

Cultivate in your heart, in your mind and in your feelings, that which brings you closer to the Father, and unite to Him so that this union has more strength inside of you than the human tendency to follow the illusions of the world.

While the rulers of the nations become lost and confuse their spirit with matter, pray, child, for there to be balance in this world so that the laws attracted to it do not foster on Earth an unexpected test, something that many will not be able to bear.

Your prayer, hidden and silent, but sincere and true, reaches the Foot of God and His archangels, in order to balance the laws that cause the events to manifest within the life on Earth.

Everything in human life, before manifesting on Earth, starts to exist on the spiritual levels. The roots of virtues as well as of evil, of the new human being as well as of the tests of this time, are still in the invisible, intangible levels, but where prayers can indeed reach.

When you pray, you are attracting the Thought of God to Earth and this very Thought, when descending through dimensions, balances them so that it can manifest. 

In the same way, when human beings act in a negative way and attract chaos to Earth, this chaos destabalizes the dimensions of life wherever it passes so as to manifest according to its vibration.

Therefore, we say that we are in times of battle. A silent battle, in which one triumphs with love and unity with God, because there is nothing superior to the Love of the Father, nothing that can defeat it. But, for it to be present within life on earth, human beings must open the doors to the Love of the Father through prayer.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph


Confess to God in order to reach the path of His Heart, and find the answers full of wisdom that He has for you.

Allow your heart to be transparent before the Father, to find the path to enter into His Truth and His Love.

The Creator wants you to be a partaker of His infinite Wisdom, the knowledge of His sublime Laws, of His celestial Truth, but for this, child, you must begin by opening yourself, by knowing yourself deeply, without layers, without masks, without resistances, to find that which is most hidden within your human consciousness.

It is only through unveiling the illusion that you will know the truth. Being true before God, you will find that which is most pure within you, and it is within your own essence that everything will be revealed to you, because there you will find the path toward God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Silence and breathe to search within yourself for the path of elevation. Let all the veils of illusion and the human condition that you must transmute and transcend before you reach God be shown to your heart.

May your limitations make you humble, but may they not remove your faith and hope. Go beyond and discover within you the door that unites you to the Infinite, to the Divine Consciousness and to your celestial origin. Let your essence reveal itself as a bridge to the Heart of God and, even if you cannot cross this bridge at once, let it always be the symbol of your perseverance, the reason for your faith.

Each day, aspire more to the Infinite, to the eternal, but not only to abandon what upsets you about life upon Earth. Love the opportunity that God gave you and learn to understand life in its evolutionary and spiritual sense. May your eyes contemplate upon the planet the opportunity to love more and better, and in each of your brothers and sisters, contemplate the potential of renewal of the Love of God in the emergence of a New Christ.

Aspire toward the Infinite, the universe, as a form of knowing that your goal is to return to God; but you will return, child, with your heart full of an unknown love, with your spirit full of the Divine Spirit, with your consciousness fully expressing the essence of the Divine Thought for humanity. And with this legacy within your heart, you will offer it to God so that a new beginning may be written in Heaven, as on Earth.

For this aspire to a superior life; for this aspire to return to God. May there be no human aspirations and human concepts about the supreme life within you. Let the truth pulsate within your heart and be the motor that allows you to experience the transformation, every day.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Open your heart to perceive that which God aspires for you. Always receive His words, placing them within your own being, for them to transform you as a living witness of the Divine Presence.

Not only listen to the Words of God, but, child, allow them to transform you into what you truly are. Allow them to liberate the covers of your illusion and arrogance so that you may see the truth that is hidden under your human condition.

Listen to each message as a dialogue of God with you and do not fear to deepen into what He tells you. This is how you will truly transform yourself, and your transformation will be a service to the planet.

The inner life of beings - their transformation and their contact with God - can be an incalculable service for the human consciousness and the planet, with all life that inhabits it. But for this, child, your heart must always be sincere and transparent, and in this way, when the moment to correct and transform yourself arrives, may you look more to yourself than to others. Look at your fellow being only if your gaze is compassionate and merciful, and if within you there is the firm aspiration to serve your brothers and sisters, and not to search for their defects

Why am I telling you this today? Because the planet agonizes, souls agonize, the Kingdoms of Nature agonize and the hearts are still awakening, very slowly, to this planetary reality.

Do not lose your time and your word. Pray for your fellow beings and for the planet, and transform and purify your heart. My child, make yourself a true disciple of Christ, so that when He calls you "companion", He will not only be referring to your spirit, but to everything that you are.

Receive My Words with love and hope, knowing that you can serve and change the destiny of this world, wherever you are. You only need to look within yourself and make the decision of definitely expressing what God wants from you, of finally becoming what God expects from your heart

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



When men assault life and imbalance the Laws, the Laws themselves, sooner or later, return as a consequence of human actions.

After so many centuries of outrages and of indifference towards life on Earth, now the time has come when the Laws of Equilibrium and of Return begin to show the consequences of human actions.

The same seriousness of the actions caused by men in the consciousness of the planet will return in the expressions of the imbalance of Nature and in the disasters caused by the own works of humanity.

Throughout the four corners of the Earth, the return of the Laws will be seen and there will be nothing able to stop them because this was the learning humanity chose when building its life on Earth.

Those who are consistent with the Divine Laws, that comply with them, obey them and love them, will be worthy of gathering the fruits of a higher life, those fruits that, perhaps, will not be known in this world but in others.

The only thing the Creator asks of you is that you may work untiringly to balance the imbalances of this world and that you may not continue to feeding the currents of chaos, anger, discord, but be aware that you must attract to the world the evolutionary vibrations that will make it worthy of a new life.

Before the negative consequences of human actions, it is time to bring balance with service, prayer, fraternity, hope and, above all, love.

Meditate upon what I tell you and make your lives the weight that positively balances the scales of the Justice of God for this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Special Apparitions

May the Glory of God be in this place forever!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Opening the doors of the Celestial Universe, the Consciousness of the Mother of God penetrates the deep dimensions of the Earth to bring souls a grace, an opportunity.

Because I am not alone here, but rather surrounded by the Hierarchies of Light, those great Consciousnesses of the Universe that contemplate, time after time, the Divine Plan of God and Its manifestation in the different worlds.

With the great dome of the Sky, Today I bless all souls of humanity and, while My portals open, the light of the New Aurora emerges in the heart of those who believe in it.

At this moment, a spiritual intervention is established between the Universe and the Earth, between the souls and God, and an extraordinary Grace permeates all spirits of the Earth to grant them the peace, the redemption and the living Love of God within each human heart.

In this way, the stars of My Crown of Light descend today over the Earth, surround the orbit of this planet to ignite it, not only in light, but also with all the attributes of God, with the twelve main currents of His Divine Spirit that will make the Earth a rescuable planet and a redeemed New Humanity that will finally follow the Commandments of the Lord.

For this reason, hear the Voice of the Mother of God on this unique and extraordinary Day, in which not only your souls see themselves benefitted by the Greater Universe but also your higher beings participate in this circumstance; those beings who came to the Earth with a principle and with a mission, which in these definitive times will be revealed to the one who wants to open, to know it. Because this mission and this spiritual principle will be an important and fundamental contribution for these definitive times, I would say, a grand spiritual and internal task that each soul will be able to donate to God with the plenitude of its heart and of its life, constantly donating itself to the Creator in surrender, in service and in sacrifice.

This commitment of each being of the Earth is vital for these times. For this reason, dear children, the great Hierarchies of Light, gathered today around your Celestial Mother, contemplate the great opportunity that the souls of the world have in this universal and cosmic conjuncture in which the most awakened souls, those most available for this new year that will begin, will have the grace to take a new step under the blessing of God and of His Divine Trust, thus concretizing His Principles and Wills, materializing His Projects and fully living His Plan.

You must not miss the opportunity of understanding what God needs because His Words are not wasted, they are water of a living fountain for all souls of the Earth, for all those gathered by His Love.

From higher Universes comes the help to the world; the unknown becomes known, the mysteries are unveiled and the doors open for the sacred Knowledge of God to descend once again to the Earth and this may strengthen souls in their commitment to the Plan and in the experience of God´s Principles and of the purpose that the Father has for each being.

For this reason, I say that it is a unique and unrepeatable opportunity for this new year that is beginning to not only be permeated by conscience and wisdom but also by the awareness on the part of all of what must truly happen for this new cycle, with the contribution and the collaboration of all creatures of God, of all servers of Christ, of those who fully want to live in the Lord in order to always find His Kingdom.

It is in the silences of My soul when the most important codes descend and souls can nourish themselves by the Truth.

From this spiritual nutrition, the soul finds its path, returns to its origin and awakens to the Divine Consciousness, finding the meaning of its existence and the increasing capacity to truly love without conditions, transcending limits, frontiers and difficulties.

Because it will be the Love of each one of you for the Plan of God that will allow His Works to keep occurring; this will allow everything to take place and nothing, absolutely nothing, to be changed by the indifference of humanity or by the mediocre collaboration of souls.

To concretize the Plan of God and its next goal, the collaboration and the adhesion of all is necessary; a truly interior adhesion so that it may later be an exterior and true adhesion that can fulfill the precepts of God, according to how He has thought and destined for the world.

But while this does not happen, My children, God will wait in His Kingdom for the answers of His children. And His Celestial Kingdom must descend to the Earth in this critical time because otherwise the planet will not survive.

It is necessary, My children, that you understand beyond forms, beyond the mind and the heart; that you can unite to the Source in order to find the meaning of His principles and the manifestation of His projects for these acute times of the Earth.

All of the knowledge that has been given must be the base for your reflection and awakening for your next step within this year that will begin, waiting for a sincere and honest response from all hearts to the Celestial Father; for a response that comprehends beyond knowledge, that understands beyond wisdom, that accepts beyond forms and that adheres wholeheartedly and in an unconditional way to what God needs.

All these changes and all these experiences will form this great response on the part of the human consciousness which will grant, on the part of humanity, the continuity of the Plan and of its manifestation for these times.

But it is important that in this cycle which is ending, that each one of your hearts, each one of your consciousnesses, make an inner synthesis, perceive the reality, awaken to the Truth and become aware of what it must become aware of, not losing the Word of the Hierarchy, not losing the meaning of the Message, so that you find the next keys that you will need which will open the doors to the new opportunities and to the descent of the new graces that the world so much needs, as well as humanity.

I do not want this year to end with some ignorance, with some incomprehension or with any doubt.

I wish that in this year that is ending your response may be sincere and truly honest to God.

I repeat it again so that you may understand it and accept it, so that you may live it and especially practice it, knowing that there is still a lot to do in this humanity that is ill, that is sick from distancing from the Love of God, for believing in self-love, in fantasies, in illusions, in the mirages that the whole world offers day by day, time after time.

But your reconsideration before the Hierarchy, the awareness of your honest and true response will create new opportunities, new conditions for the Universal Grace and the Cosmic Mercy to reach more hearts of the Earth and to more nations.

Remember that I still expect to reach Asia and Oceania and this goal must be concretized by all for this new year that will begin.

I will not stop coming to the world until I can concretize this spiritual mission, together with the union with all of My children and under the response of everyone.

This will allow the Work to be expanded in humanity, the missions of service and of charity in very distant regions of the planet, where there is true desperation, chaos, disease, indifference and loneliness of many hearts.

But now, My children, you, who are carriers of the Grace and the Mercy of God throughout times, have all possibilities and all means to accomplish this and also to duplicate and spread this call to more hearts in the world that must awaken to the awareness of these times, to the emergency of these times, to the necessity of a fraternal life and of service to the souls of the world.

The healing of the planet is in your hands, the change of consciousness is within you and the upliftment of this humanity is through your prayer.

Comply with My requests during these next months. Be obedient and go to the Marian Centers, do not let comfort submerge you, make the effort that is necessary, that is just, which God deserves from each one of you for all He has given you in these last eleven years.

Thus, My children, although storms may be in humanity, darkness on the planet, tribulation in the lost hearts, I will not get tired of coming to the world, again and again, because I will carry in My Heart of Mother the sincere response of My children so as to be able to show it to God and thus continue forward with His Plan, that the Kingdom of the Father may live and dwell in all hearts so that His Love and His Plan may triumph.

Perhaps, in this night, you expected to hear great things, more revelations that My Heart can impel, but this will be possible, My children, when your response expands, surpasses barriers, transcends fears and when you can absolutely adhere to what I tell you, knowing that behind each one of My words there is a purpose, a meaning and a spiritual objective that your consciousnesses do not reach yet.

For this reason, My children, open your inner senses, open your heart and welcome My words with the sweetness of Love with which I give them so that your lives may be enriched in God and may live the plenitude of His Wisdom. There is still time to change.

A great part of the world will cry for not having changed, but if the change is born in very few, everyone, in the majority, will feel impelled to change, even as small as it may seem.

For this reason, My children, in this night of glory, joy and love, in which the portals of the Universe are open to uplift your consciousness and the whole planet, the consecration of the Children of Mary on this special night is an undeniable, non-transferable and immediate commitment. A commitment of praying for the plans of the Most Holy Trinity and of committing, in material life, to mirror this higher Will through the acts, the virtues, the service and the surrender, which will be the means that will transform your consciousnesses to be able to live Christic Love someday.

May those who will consecrate today be placed at the right side of the altar and come here with the encouragement that I grant you, that I grant to all souls, to all those who Hear Me and to all those who live Me, because the unity of our consciousnesses is where the Plan of God will be built and will be manifested; and its blessings will be unlimited.

His Graces will expand in your consciousnesses and hearts and thus, your lives will completely transform according to what He has thought for each one of your essences.

For this reason, My children, today I consecrate you so that you can live the commitment with God on behalf of millions of souls that do not live it, that are immersed in world hypnotism and illusion and that will suddenly awaken to their reality and experience when My Son returns for the second time, to the Earth.

But you will have the opportunity, children who will consecrate today, to help these souls that you do not know, putting them in prayer, in each act of love and service, so that the Divine Grace may touch these consciousnesses and more souls may be able to transform according to Christ, according to His Principles of Love and Truth.

Hearing the hymn of your consecration, may the Fountain of the Supreme Grace approach this beloved Aurora so that the hearts may feel the joy of living in the Love of God and in the Grace of His Wisdom, which heals the wounded hearts, cures the consciousnesses that have been injured by evil and dissipates all spiritual and internal diseases.

Aurora, in the name of God, grants you inner healing and the absolution of your debts so that this commitment may be true and transparent, loving and humble, following the steps of Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the Savior.

Placing your hand on the heart, receive the Light of My Spirit, reaffirming the commitment to God and the goal of materializing His Purpose for these times, so that more souls may attain healing, redemption and forgiveness, just as today you, My children, before the Universe of God, attain it through an extraordinary Grace and through an infinite atonement, fruits of the Work of Mercy.

And today, the angels of the Most Holy Son will transubstantiate the elements offered at the feet of the Mother of God, which will convert into the Living Body and the Living Blood of Christ so that the souls may feed on the reparative communion with God and on His Sublime Essence, which is eternal in the whole Creator Universe.

Just as I wash your souls, I wash your heads, your hands and your feet with the Fount of the Holy Spirit so that your lives may be repaired in the communion with Our Savior.

May the Divine Blood of Christ be shed as a code of light within the souls thirsty of the Love of God.

May the Water that flowed out from the side of Christ descend as healing for the hearts.

In this night in which the world does not keep vigil nor adores, may the Lamb of God, who was sacraficed and taken to the slaughterhouse, be recognized and adored by his faithful followers in the whole world, so that his attributes of Grace and Mercy, sources of healing and renewal, may expand in humanity in order to make it rescuable and sacred someday, just as the Heavenly Father needs it forever and ever. Amen.

Eat from the Body of Christ, drink from the Blood of the Lord and trust that everything will be repaired and will heal according to how God has thought.

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, happy will be those who, in this night, serve from the Lord, Amen.

Our Father...

And now that you have been consecrated with the Spirit, be consecrated with My Peace, in the hope, in the faith and in the Love that you will understand, for the coming months, what God needs from you so that His Will may be fulfilled in the whole Earth and within all of humanity.

I consecrate you, children, and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In happiness and in joy, in the name of My Son, you will give one another the salutation of peace for peace to permeate the Earth.

I thank you!


Dear children,

What the world offers you for these important dates of the Nativity of the Lord is only a distraction and more illusion, to the point that human beings consume all their resources into something that is materially temporary and not beneficial, because it is not shared with anybody.

For all these people, who on these dates of greater internalization should be meditating upon and contemplating the Birth of the Christ within themselves, I ask that you place them in your prayers so that these souls may awaken and be withdrawn from the world illusion, promoted by the fantasy of consumerism and the ignorance of the consciousness.

On these dates in which the inner Christ should, for a moment, take first place in your lives, I invite you to an awareness so that humanity, in part, may be aware of the spiritual meaning of the descent of universal attributes upon the needy human consciousness.

I invite you to truly participate in the Rebirth of Christ so that more souls may have the happiness of transforming their lives.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Pray and unite your heart with the Heart of God, because there is no longer anything to be said for the planet, other than to go deeper in your prayers and union with the Father.

Souls still have not perceived the times in which they are living, and their eyes still have not opened to see the agony of the world and, above all, the agony of the Heart of the Father in the face of everything that is experienced on Earth.

Beings continue imprisoned in their problems and needs; they still clutch to their plans, as if time flowed according to their will.

Child, I know that you do not hear, but the Earth screams and groans, and its cry is manifested in the hearts that suffer wars and conflicts and in the souls that are imprisoned in their illusions.

I know that you do not perceive it, but in the face of all that, the Heart of God becomes silent, and in His Silence, He prays so that beings may find peace in His Heart.

How little the planet needs in order to find peace! If all beings discovered that in true prayer the beginning of all transformation and all good are to be found, there would be peace.

If each being prayed to God, the One Creator, present in all life, even if according to the understanding of each religion and true spiritual path, they could understand and respect the schools that beings experience in order to find peace; they would know that, as each being is at a different evolutionary degree, many paths that lead to the Father are necessary. But one day, Child, all of those paths will meet at the apex of human evolution, which is Love.

When the heart prays, it enters into the Wisdom of God and understands these and many other things. Through human ignorance, there are wars, disrespect and lack of love.

Pray, and you will find wisdom. Pray, and you will find peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Trees and life II

When the Lord created the planet and manifested it through His purest Thought of Love for life, He put into each detail of Creation a deep spiritual science in which everything that lives and inhabits the Earth contributes towards the renewal of Love and towards the return to the Heart of God.

The duality, chaos and evil created by humankind are fruits of the deviation of the human consciousness from the Heart of God. Through their choices, beings choose to be in God and discover, in communion with Creation, the path of return to His Heart, or they choose to remain in the illusion and entanglements of human limitations.

The Creator allows certain things to exist in order to guide humanity towards overcoming and the mastery of oneself and not towards the abysses of the world, through which souls enter every day.

Nature is still a mystery to be unveiled by the human consciousness, and that will not happen through their limited science, but rather, through their heart that is capable of entering the divine science and understanding it through the simple presence of the Spirit of God.

Trees, children, are the bond that keeps the Earth united to Heaven and do not allow the human consciousness to totally separate from God. In spite of human actions, wars and indifference, trees silently penetrate with their physical roots, into the depths of the Earth and, with their spiritual roots, reach the center of the planet, maintaining the union between life on the surface and the essence of the Earth.

With their treetops, trunks, branches, leaves and physical flowers, trees maintain the path of elevation to the Heart of God. And with their spiritual treetops, they reach the Heavens and nourish themselves in the Sublime Sources so that, by transforming the air that life breathes on Earth, they may also bring the graces and the spiritual food that allows consciousnesses not to lose peace and the possibility to love.

Trees were born to serve and they love their service thus, children, despite being outraged so many times, they do not cease to grow, bloom and offer their fruits in this world.

Contemplate the donation of trees and, sending them your eternal gratitude, let your consciousnesses be guided to the essence of the Earth and to the highest of Heavens, remembering in this way the true reason for their existence.

Trees do not forget what they were created for. Through them, you should also start to remember.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Holiness is to stand before God and, in confession, to recognize without fear your own faults, weaknesses and imperfections, not hiding from yourself or from others the small or great miseries that bind you to this world and prevent you from reaching Heaven.

Holiness is to be aware of the Divine Presence and to live under His Gaze, to be ashamed, repenting and confessing in the weaknesses, and at the same time welcoming, revering and thanking the Gifts and Graces that come from the Father.

Holiness is to surpass, each day a little more, the layers of material illusion, to fix your eyes and heart on the Purpose and Divine Truth. Gradually, human forces, tendencies and conditions lose their place in the hearts of beings, and this space is filled by the freedom to love and serve God.

Holiness is to recognize that the path is long because the deviation was great but, above all, to trust in the miracle and the Mercy of Christ, without conditions or limiting the actions of the Lord in your own life. But, on the contrary, always letting Him have the possibility of turning the stones lost in the mud into crystalline and pure pearls, full of His Truth and Transparency.

Holiness is to know that you have never reached the necessary point and not stopping your own steps, nor the Grace of God in your lives, in the certainty that at some moment of evolution, Unity will come and, on that day, Creation will be recreated. And, allowing the Father to have renewed His love, He will reinvent Life in a new degree of Love.

See holiness as a horizon that calls you. This is a path and not a utopia.

Seek service, love and transparency, and, without realizing it, you will experience redemption and, more than that, you will return to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Your inner world is crystalline and visible before the Gaze of God; in it is kept the story that God created before the origin of your existence.

The inner world is capable of recognizing and capturing the luminous impulses that come from the Creator Source that manifested it.

For this reason, the inner world can reacquire the principles and attributes that it may have lost through influences of the material world and its tendencies.

At this critical time, in which everything is being defined within the inner worlds of beings, it will be necessary to turn inward to connect with the Origin and thus be able to recover the impulses that, for different reasons, may have disappeared from the spiritual consciousness of the being.

The inner world, which is that space where the sacred treasure of each soul is found, serves as a bridge of contact with higher realities, and this allows that, the surface being, through it, can be in contact with higher levels of consciousness.

In this way, the inner world can reintegrate a being who may have lost the path of love and of light and have them live a great change that, being strong and radical, will cause them to transform their life forever.

In this time, the inner world waits for a conscious connection from the creatures so that inner contact may be established, that which will surpass all limits and tests.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The healing and the forgiveness of the past – Part II

In the whole universal system of Creation, the human being was an element of study and spiritual analysis, so as to be able to perceive how the terrestrial consciousness has the capacity of understanding and being able to live the life of the spirit based on its experiences, feelings, and senses.

In this 21st century, in which humanity affirms that the advance of the human being is in science and technology and that all of this has modernized the world, this has generated within the terrestrial consciousness a mirage and an illusion of something that is not real.

All this modern scientific movement has led the destructive power of the race, towards the Kingdoms of Nature and towards Creation, to increase, in a quest for an alleged global benefit, for which millions of people work, but from which a few gain advantage of through “systems of life.”

All these factors, added to violence and transgression on the part of human beings towards the planet and its natural manifestation, has closed the doors of the consciousness to pay attention to and to perceive reality.

The effort of a very few in trying to protect the planet from contamination and from the violation from human beings towards the Laws of nature seems to be insufficient.

Before this global scenario, where ambition for more power and more profit from the resources of the planet reigns, the Earth, as a whole, prepares to live its great birthing labor, and through this birthing labor, to purify and clean everything that imprisons it; which is part of a universal movement that takes place after every certain number of millions of years.

The planet was chosen and prepared by the great devas and angels of the Universe to receive the current civilization which, within to the Law of Life, should be in communion with all the Kingdoms of Nature. But the effect of the invasion and the exploitation of the resources of the planet on the part of the human being, has distanced it from the inner purpose of its existence. 

To this school of love and forgiveness, which the Earth represents, hundreds of consciousnesses were sent, which, being of a primitive spiritual nature, would receive the grace of evolving within a context such as that of the Earth, to learn to awaken love and forgiveness as the means to live the much awaited spiritual healing.

For this reason, this planet, beautifully created by God, offered itself, in its humility and silence, to shelter and contain spirits full of errors and faults; spirits from other stars, as the current humanity is, that, awakening to its divine purpose, would be able to generate the experience of redemption in order to go through rehabilitation.

As of today, the Earth is this patient dwelling place, which time and again offers itself to receive spirits from other stars, consciousnesses in great need of love and forgiveness.

However, throughout time, many have forgotten that this school of the planet, which was also lived by Christ, has its spiritual foundation based on the experience of love. And the majority have made the same mistakes again, or similar mistakes, that mark the consciousness for a state of spiritual precariousness.

For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy approaches from time to time in order to be able to teach human beings the path of return to the House of the Father and the realization concerning a sincere and true union with Creation, without the need of transgressing it. 

Therefore, the time has come to heal and forgive the past, and for this, human beings will have to recognize their faults in order to learn to amend them, and in this way, have the grace of living in God again, fulfilling in a conscious way each one of His designs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May your most sincere pleas and cries for Divine Mercy rise up to the Heavens.

May the union between your spirits and God be consolidated.

May you leave behind the cycles of immaturity and of half-surrenders.

May you leave behind your irresponsibility and your ignorance, for the time has come, children, for each being to take responsibility for their choices, for tracing their destinies, because the final test of humanity is already being designed and both the external events and your own inner purification will be lived according to your own choices.

Pray and cry out for Mercy. Strip yourselves of the small and big wills and human aspirations; your aspirations must be in the Cosmos, in the return to the Origin and in the fulfilling of God's Plans.

Live the cycles with wisdom, knowing how to let yourselves be guided, renouncing when necessary, making an effort, each day a little more, deepening in your own surrender and donation, and above all, consolidating your union with God.

The purification of the planet will not be something lived by a few nations, just as the inner purification is no longer an instruction transcribed from the Words of the Messengers of God. Everyone can feel this purification in themselves, and thus, everyone will also feel and live the consequences of the purification of the nations and of the consciousness of the planet.

Keep your hearts and minds in peace through prayer and place your deepest aspirations upon surpassing yourselves in love.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While on the one hand, the consciousness of the planet reflects a humanity divided by wars, hunger, inequality, and conflicts, on the other hand, the essences of this time are going through their great definition.

I ask you to take My Hand so that I may unite you all and thus lead you on the path of love and reconciliation.

My enemy is managing to infiltrate even the religious life. He projects fantasies, stimulates ideas, and generates disagreements, awakening great discouragement and disappointments in hearts.

By all means he tries to undo My projects, but he will not manage to do this. He already realizes that he lost, and thus places all his fury in human minds and generates many setbacks where they do not exist.

For that reason, I come to ask you to protect yourselves, to take one another into consideration, and to not, even for a second, leave My Heart, because in this way, I will protect you and I will hold you in My Arms.

Everything contrary to the light that may be happening at this time will be an appearance created by My adversary.

Immerse yourself in the prayer of the heart, fulfill the daily liturgies, and you will survive. Because more complex times will come and hearts must be more united than  before to endure the last and definitive clashes.

I am praying for you. The Woman clothed with the Sun is, at this moment, running to the desert.

The door of Armageddon has already been opened in this last August.

Be vigilant and do not allow yourselves to be confused.

I am at the rearguard of My children.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions
Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Mother of God penetrates the planet today with Her Light and helps, on this special day, in the awakening of humanity, of the hearts that are asleep and that need to recognize their commitment to God in this time.

Today is a special day, in spite of the events and of the climatic phenomena, in spite of the purification of the planet, of the purification of the Kingdoms of Nature and of the transition that many, but many hearts live at this time.

It is a special day because it is the day of the last saints, of those who in spirit of abnegation and surrender, of renunciation and sacrifice for their Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son, offer their lives so that, through silent pain and inner recollection, the souls may be liberated in different parts of the world, in different continents, in order to exit the profound dream and inertia, the spiritual somnolence and the blindness that does not allow them to see the light. And that, by this sole act of love and surrender, they will awaken someday and they will feel the call inside of them, as you also felt it at some moment.

They will feel the need to serve and to get out of themselves as you did it at some moment, even though you are still learning it through transformation persistence, and faith.

Today is a special day for your Heavenly Mother because many more lives receive, in spirit, an extraordinary Grace that is not palpable to the eyes of men, to the feeling of humans, or to the vision of those who are concrete; but it is profoundly internal, I would say immaterial; that descends from above to this world, to the inner universe of each being and brings the new, what it renewing, what opens the consciousness to the unknown, to what is imperceptible and dwells in the Heart of God.

The angels of the Universe help in this impulse of this day, bringing among their hands the Treasures of the Father, precious spheres of light full of many codes that are sown in those who sleep and in those who will be about to awaken in these coming times.

In this way, children, I show you that the task is deeper than it seems and that each encounter with Me is a moment to enlarge, even more, the Plan of God in humanity and that the divine and spiritual fruits may be available to the souls that need them the most and that still have not recognized their mission in this humanity.

These Graces of Heaven and of this day, come today for those who know and for those who do not know.

Because in the Spiritual Universe of each being it is possible to do everything, because the Laws flow there, the Principles manifest and the different Rays of the Universe are shown, which foster in the souls the awakening of the consciousness and the defeat of human illusion so that the new apostles may be born, so that the new apostles participate in the last Redemptive Supper of Christ at the moment of His second return to the world.

All that is lived at this time is a preparation, My children.

Each moment offered by you is a Grace. Each step given is a new opportunity that presents for souls so similar to yours.

Like this a great network of light is woven and brings to the world a greater rescue, although most of humanity does not respond as God needs; but everything is possible by those who offer themselves and because your Heavenly Mother is here, bringing you what is new from the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.

This opens doors to new events; this brings to the hearts a clear truth of knowing that there is still much to do and that the world awaits the help of more hearts and more servers, especially projected on the youth, who are the ones who will help to sustain the world, although it does not seem so. Because they have come thus, at this time, to be able to move the Plan forward with the impulse of the Hierarchies of Light, with the company of the Sacred Hearts.

Children, everything can still be renewed and many more can follow the path of holiness, even if they have not thought about it for their life. Holiness is surrender for something greater, it is service for something unknown, which is not palpable. Holiness is to say "yes" at each moment and before any circumstance. Holiness is to love your fellow beings as they are and not to have preferences for anything, without expecting any result and without expectations.

This is the holiness that God and His Heavenly Messengers live, and the holiness that the Father expects to be able to see in His children on this planet.

Therefore, from time to time and from century to century, there have been saints, souls that have incarnated in humanity for a greater service, even if they did not have total consciousness of this. Because everything is part of a greater Purpose, of an idea thought by the Father for the evolution of His children in degrees of love and service.

This helps to sustain the lost humanity, the lives that are blind on their spiritual path and all of those who are fallen and will need to rise from the abysses in order to be able to see the light on the large horizon of Christ.

Children, today I will be like this with you, because the Father wants it so, so that in this school that I invite you to live daily and, through this Work you may learn in simplicity to recognize the Supreme Will and not to force changes of events, and to learn to read in everything that happens around you on a daily basis in order to be tuned with the Highest so that you may understand it all and thus, carry the Plan forward.

For this reason, today is a special day, not only for the incarnation of your spiritual Mother on Earth, but for all that this means in the inner plans and in the Supreme Consciousness, because in the same way, children, each one of you is important for Me and above all, for God.

A destiny is written in your lives. A purpose is still to be manifested and expressed upon the surface of this planet and for the renewal of times.

Continue walking with Me through this burning love in the heart for the Work of the Divine Messengers, which is the Work of God, alive and intact in the Universe.

I encourage you to deepen the apostleship through the next mission in Europe and Africa, which, this time, as in other moments, can be followed by everybody at each moment of prayer for the nations of the world, at each moment of recollection and introspection, to be able to follow the Will of God, by means of each part of the Purpose that is gradually fulfilled with the help of My children and in the company of your prayers.

After thirty years of instruction as a spiritual family and as a people of this planet, you were called to follow the same steps that Moses followed with the ancient people of the desert, but this time with more commitment and with more conscience, knowing that everything you offer will be a treasure for God, preciously considered by His Divine Spirit and by His precious Source.

Your lives, as so many other lives that are consecrated in this world, have come to testify that it is possible to live the Plan of God and to make it part of you every day.

With this Light and this Love that spring from My Heart, I bless you and give you the impulse to follow the new through the history that Christ is writing in the hearts that have awakened and in the hearts that will awake.

Today I leave My Rose of Light on the heart of your mother, so that this Love that comes from Me and directly from the Source, may reach those who need it most, under the Spirit of motherhood and the acceptance of all things.

May this Spirit of Love reach all the mothers on the Earth and especially the mothers who have removed the children from their wombs for fear to fail.

May all lives be reconstructed and may the lives that were not born be contemplated, so that they may reach Heaven and return to start a new universal trajectory someday.

I thank you for responding to this special call and for accompanying the steps of the Divine Messengers in the lands of Europe and the Middle-East.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Listen to My Voice, lost flocks of the world. The Star is approaching the horizon. The great Sun of the universe is drawing closer to humanity to rescue souls, free them from perdition and find in each of them the new dwelling place of God.

Adonai is your Father from the Heights. He is unknown to humanity; from His essence comes Love, Unity and Truth, from which souls can be nurtured spiritually.

I come to remove you from superficial life so that you may find Adonai again. He hopes to find you awake, brave and available when His beloved Son returns to the world.

Through the Light of Adonai, I come to anoint you with My Hands so that you may be blessed by the Spirit of God, may repent and be healed, be freed from all evils and find again the path to redemption.

Adonai hopes to find you awake, for He wishes to have His Works descend through your hearts. Thus, He again sends His Son in a spirit of omnipresence and of truth, so that souls may recognize the sublime Light, feed their spirits again with the Goodness of God, with the principle of His immaculate Love, which will always nurture you and never leave you alone.

Adonai waits for you. Wake up, My flocks! Take the tasks that I give you today. There is much to do for this humanity. I not only need your word, but also your hands to express the love of charity. In this way, companions, you will be fulfilling the principle of fraternity.

Work, companions, in spite of tiredness, work. My Spirit will always comfort you. I can restore all things when you simply allow Me to.

I invite you, My beloveds, in the name of Adonai, to free your inner controls so that the new spirit be forged and be born, renewed by the Presence of Adonai.

His supreme Light comes from the profound Light. That is the principle of Love, which nurtures all universes. Seek the Fount of Adonai; in this way, you will be able to free yourselves from your ties.

Do not waste time any longer, companions, with superficial things. Just as I told you during the Sacred Week, be renewed through My Spirit, at this hour which marks the culminating moment of humanity, the coming of the end and the beginning of the New Humanity.

Thus, prepare your hearts. Isolate your lives from all superficiality. I need to find you in love and in truth, with your hands in prayer and in the works of God.

And in the same way that the missionaries of peace did, freeing their hearts through service and surrender, My infinite Mercy was able to descend into the heart of Africa. But now, I come to this part of the world to awaken the sleeping flocks again.

I bring you the firmness of the New Humanity; the unknown Spirit for this Earth; the great Spirit that comes from Adonai, who renews all things and all forms, who brings hope, joy and Mercy for sinning souls.

I invite you to repentance, thus, your families will also repent. And this spirit of repentance, which is a principle of redemption and of rehabilitation, will expand throughout humanity so it may truly recognize that it must above all things ask God for forgiveness. In this way, you will enter into the philosophy of My Heart and new gifts will awaken in your essences.

Your paths will be freed from ties and on your pathways, there will no longer be stones, but rather a path of redemption and of peace that I come to rebuild in the dwelling place of your hearts.

I give you the Strength of Adonai. I give you the Love of Adonai. I give you His profound Unity so that you may be renewed and be prepared in time for what will come to humanity.

Just as I was in Africa, announcing My Return, I come to meet with you, companions, seeking the apostles of Love, those who will define themselves by transforming themselves, achieving purification to live in transcendence; thus in their own life they will find the path of Light that will take them to Adonai, and allow them to find again the mission they have lost in all this material life.

My Spirit is invisible, but remember that I have already been among you, ascended to the Heavens, returned to the Dwelling Place of God. I am living in the Universe of God, but I will return from that Kingdom to bring redemption and liberation to humanity, and together with the Archangels of Adonai, we will banish evil from this humanity, which subjects the evolution of spirits and carries all souls toward the abysses of the Earth.

But in this hour of Mercy, in which My true Government and the sovereignty of Adonai are expressed, I pour out the Laws of God upon you, reminding you of the Commandments, which are extremely forgotten. Nobody shows any interest in any of them, and thus souls are lost, simply because of being involved in material life.

From the beginning of Creation, if you had lived the Laws of the Creator, the world would already be non-material and your consciousnesses would be in other worlds, experiencing the great universal fraternity, the principle of redemption for this local universe.

Light the stars of your hearts. Your inner Christs are calling you. Awaken from this illusion and look up at the skies. See in your inner worlds the codes that are poured out by My merciful Hands.

When I see you transformed, without fearing anything, without holding any fear, I will be able to say, companions, that it will have been worth it to be here, among you, giving you and bringing you My time before the great need of this humanity, which is submerged in modernity, distances itself from God and divides the union with the Divinity through looking for other unions that do not come from Adonai.

Study My Words, read My Messages, in these are placed the keys for the preparation. Step away from normality, seek always the life in spirit. Let your own prayer uplift you, so that you may find the path again toward infinity, and thus distance yourselves from this world of illusion that moves toward the perdition of all souls.

But in this hour, I come to ignite that which is held within you, the manifested Temple of God that waits to be re-ignited to find again the path of perfect communion with God that it has lost.

My divine Justice is unknown. Thus, in this hour, avail yourselves of My Mercy.

The time is announcing a great change. Thus, be awake and watch with Me in the constant prayer of the heart.

In the Kingdom of My Father, I receive the offerings of this sacred Communion so that hearts may be purified, souls may be freed from all stains, and in this definitive hour, you may find the spring of My Grace, a Grace that will save you, a Grace that will redeem you, a Grace that will give you My Mercy.

Today I am here with you, but also with all My children of Brazil, especially with those that live in the north of this country.

In truth, I tell you that who is with Me feels no separation, because the fusion with My Spirit is invincible and the perfect union that I bring you resides in the Love of My Heart.

Through your prayers, just as I requested in Rwanda, bring the true Justice of God and do not be confused by the things of this world. 

The true Justice of God is found in the temperance of My Heart. If you seek My merciful Heart, you will lose nothing, you will be more just and free, wondrous and kind, for in this way, I will have achieved the transformation of your lives.

Let us consecrate in the name of Adonai.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat:

Praise be to God,
glorious His Kingdom.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Carry My Presence in your hearts, because through My Heart, the existence of Adonai is expressed.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic)

Song: Adonai, Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, we want to say goodbye to everybody by telling a little story about the Apparition of Christ.

Today He brought Adonai in His Presence. And how could we understand that experience?

He was surrounded by the Light of God and it seemed that God spoke through His Word. He manifested Himself with great Majesty, like a sovereign King that rules this and other universes.

Through His Word and His Presence, He manifested the Law of God. And synthetically, He was inviting us, on this day, to remember the Laws of God and to seek that union with the Laws through our prayer.

Christ knows that for us, the Laws are unknown, but He needs us to unite with God so as to be able to live in His Law.

He was inviting us on this day to correct humanity, to spiritually educate ourselves again, basically remembering the Commandments of Moses.

And today He was also telling us that they are basic and primary Laws for this humanity. And those Laws are not being obeyed, Christ said, and nor are other Laws.

For this reason, Christ was inviting us to repent on this day. There is something inside us, said the Master, that must go through a process of forgiveness. And that forgiveness will occur through our acceptance to live redemption.

He is warning us about the events of the end of times, but He does not come to cause us fear, but rather to bring us His Mercy.

He says it is important that we also remember what He said in Rwanda many years ago, and that many did not hear either.

Again on this day, He invites us to remember His Message through all the instructions He has given  over the last three years. The Master says that, in spite of Him seeming to always say the same thing to us, He always tries to remind us of what we should be paying attention to, because from that, we will be able to experience other new things. In essence, He says that our life is renewed there, when we follow the Laws through prayer, by means of acts of service and of charity, of paying attention to fellow beings. And as a consequence, the Master says that our life will be redeemed little by little.

But He knows that the majority of humanity does not want to pay attention to these things. He sees that humanity is walking towards other places. His Heart is distressed because He can do things up to a certain point, He can help up to a certain point.

For this reason, He needs our prayers, our inner adherence, that we basically do what He asks of us in a simple and humble way. He says that in this way we will be helping Him to fulfill the Plan that God has foreseen for this time.

Through this Message that Christ left us today and this story that He asked us to tell, we want to leave this reflection to everybody. And as He asked of us, we invite you to listen to His Message again, to read and reflect on His words, because in these things we will simply find the Light that we are seeking for our paths.

We leave a greeting of peace with you all and we invite you to think of Jesus tonight.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


I Am the Virgin of the Immaculate and Pierced Heart, and in this way I come to the world on this day so that humanity may be alleviated from its sufferings by means of the sorrowa that I felt in My chest, and which I feel still up to the present days.

Children of Mine, I give to the world today My Immaculate and Pierced Heart as a divine offer  in order that other souls may help Me in alleviating the sorrow of this world.

I want to offer to My children the sacrifice; the donation of oneself; the permanent service to humanity, to the Kingdoms of Nature, and to the whole planet.

I come to give to you My Heart, pierced by the sword of human sins and of the indifference of humanity in face of the sacrifice of My Son.

The times are accelerated in this world, and the consciounesses are indifferent to all the warnings of the Divine Messengers.  The gravest faults have become the common living of human beings, and the afflictions that many souls suffer no longer touch the hearts of those that might be able to balance these sorrows and torments by means of prayer.

My beloveds, the search for comfort and for one's own well-being has taken over the hearts of those beings who no longer give importance to all that happens in this world.

My Heart continues to be pierced as a unique offer that I am able to realize for the Creator, suffering in it all of the sorrows of My children and alleviating them through My Love.  But this, My beloveds, is not sufficient.  To balance the evil that is spread across this planet it is necessary that at least a few souls of the world awaken to the reality in which they live, and submit themselves to a path of sanctity by means of prayer, of service, and of total surrenderi of oneself to God.

It is no longer enough that you dedicate to Me a little prayer before sleep, or that you make prayers each day, if in the actions of your lives you destroy all that I have attempted to build in the few minutes of prayer.

My eyes are fixed on this world, attentive to the prayers of each one of My children, no matter how small it may be.  However, even those of My children that may pray the most, if they will not live the prayer in their actions, in their thoughts, and in their feelings, of little use it will be that they pray, if the drop of Love that I am able to deposit in your essence is spilled in the first opportunity, that is lost, of manifesting love.

My beloveds, I want to teach you to change the values of this life, to change the goal to which you walk. Your goal shall not be in this world.  Do not battle anymore simply for a comfortable material life, and do not gauge your effort to establish a time of peace, of reconciliation, of forgiveness, and of redemption.  This is what the world needs, and for this you are here in this time.

Do not let yourselves be deceived, because while you are distracted with illusions and mundane pleasures, the souls do not stop from entering the hells and purgatories of this world, which already are so full of lost consciousnesses as a result of the consequences of their choices.

My beloveds, pray!  Pray much! Clamor!  And be merciful in your lives.

Awaken!  Review your goals and your aspirations.

Accept in you lives My Immaculate and Pierced Heart, and assist Me in alleviating the sorrow of this world.

I love you, and I wait for you day and night in prayer and in surrender.

Mary, Virgin of the Immaculate and Pierced Heart


May My eyes be the living sun that illuminates your paths.  Through My presence in your lives, there will never be darkness that confuses you or lack of faith that separates you from God.

My beloveds, may the rays that come from the sun of the world be the same that come from the Heart of God, by means of His Servant.

Feel these rays of the sun of this world which represent My Fire and the Fire of the Heart of My Son, which come to the world in order to liberate it from all evil.

I come among the clouds surrounded by Celestial Light in order to announce a new time of great changes, a time which you must enter consciously.

I arrive in this city in order to show you that not even the greatest beauty built by the hands of humans can be compared to the Celestial greatness.

All of what you can see around you, built by human hands, are illusions that imprison the heart to matter and to material desires, while all that comes from the Divine Creation liberates the soul and makes it come out of itself in order to merge itself with the Source of Creation.

My beloveds, My presence arrives to this city, as a last hope in order for this nation to awaken definitively to its mission.

I know that many think that there are greater illusions in the world, greater wealth, greater perdition, but I say to you My dears, that this nation represents for God one of the pillars of His redeeming project and must comply with its primary mission in this time.  For this, here, in this nation, I create one of My main houses of the world so that it may radiate conversion and awakening for all.

I hope to find here a strong group of prayer able to balance, through faith, all the lack of union with God that exists.  But for this dear children, I need souls that are truly committed to the Divine Purpose and that do not hesitate to abandon all illusions and mundane desires in order to dedicate their lives to the fulfillment of the Plan of God.

Today I want to leave you an impulse for the total consecration of your lives to God, in this way you will be able to balance the faults of this world.

In this time that will come only a true and full consecration will be able to balance the evils of the world.  It will be necessary that besides prayer, there is a consecration of the souls that surrender themselves completely to God and renounce all of what this world can offer them in order to live a life that goes against all of the human currents, those which purify and renew them.  Thus, little by little, this humanity must become sacred.

My beloveds, My voice echoes in this world with softness and purity, with love and with forgiveness, but there will be the time of Justice and those who did not reconcile themselves with God will have to live the consequences of their union with evil.

I warn you in this time, in order that there may be no doubts in your hearts.  As your Mother it is up to Me to tell you the truth.  For this, give thanks to God for My words and be consistent with what your hearts dictate.

I love you and I will guide you every time you want to follow My steps.

May this nation be consecrated and this city be redeemed by prayer and consecration of the hearts that are faithful to their Creator.

I bless you today and forever.

Mary, Mother and Universal Queen


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

