Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


Do not fear in this time to face the end of times.

We know that humanity is not prepared, but it will be necessary that it practice at this time for that which will come.

This beloved planet will face diverse forms of purification, the majority unknown to surface humankind.

So it is that in this cycle, everything that will happen or manifest will be an intensive preparation with the goal of gaining awareness, so as to know how to proceed and help the souls that will have to go through intense experiences that will generate an awakening and the necessary definition.

For this reason, when in the whole world the intense purification is unleashed, everything that is experienced during this time will help some consciousnesses to be assisted and redirected toward the school and the lessons the universe had destined them to live.

Now the time for experiencing this transition has come, in which, in spite of being intense, those open of heart will never lack the guidance of Our Hearts to thus generate the necessary relief that the soul needs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Letter of the Most Holy Mary to Those Who Say “yes”…

My beloved children,

It is through you, through your sincere prayers and your acts of love, that I can bring to Earth everything that exists in the Universe.

It is through your most sincere “yes” that your Mother can show the world the path of redemption and purity.

It is through your most sincere “yes” that your Mother can express Her warmest work of love in all the world for souls and for the Kingdoms.

It is through your most sincere “yes” that your Mother is able to submerge with all Her Consciousness into the deepest abysses of the Earth and rescue the unrescuable.

It is through your most sincere “yes” that your Mother is able, through prayer, to teach you to redeem the most archaic aspects of life, so that your souls may be free to express that which they really are.

It is through your most sincere “yes” that your Mother, during each new Vigil of Prayer, offers the Eternal Father the possibility of dismantling the great plans of My adversary.

It is through your most sincere “yes” that your Mother has the permission to act on the planet and in the most dormant humanity, through the ardent devotion and the inner joy of simple hearts.

Dear children, although it does not seem so, the “yes” of humanity could change the events of this world, and its effects would reach beyond the nations, the peoples and even the continents.

Each new “yes” pronounced by souls and expressed through a physical presence in the Vigils of Prayer for Peace in the Nations means for the Universe the chance to act in an operative way in humanity through its angels and the Hierarchies of Light in order to deactivate certain corrupt aspects within the human consciousness that cause it to spiritually retrocede, time after time.

A true and sincere “yes” from a child of Mine in this cycle would make a difference so that the spiritual Hierarchy could be able to help or not help humanity and all that it generates through its actions and its acts.

At this time, a sincere “yes” allows the Eternal Father to move forward with His Designs in the most inferior and lost creatures of humanity.

Even more, if this “yes” is composed  of a disinterested spirit of service, a heartfelt prayer and an unknown love, its repercussions in the human consciousness will be much greater than they seem.

For this reason, My children, a sincere “yes” allows the Universe to act through the Laws of Mercy and Grace, and the cases that are impossible to solve in humanity may be balanced and alleviated.

I invite you to think, feel and meditate upon the power of “yes” of the same “yes” that your Heavenly Mother gave so as to be the spiritual Tabernacle, the humble and most pure womb that would receive Universal Light and invincible Love through the coming of Christ.

May this sincere “yes” that can emerge from your hearts allow you to transcend the times, overcome the most difficult tests within and outside of yourselves, that will open a secure door, where you may find the Presence of the Universal King, Jesus Christ, through it.

Dear children, it will be the “yes” of this current humanity that will cause the planet to be purified and elevated, helping it to free itself of the weight generated by humanity.

It will be the “yes” of souls that will cause this humanity to be of a higher and more mature consciousness.

It will be the “yes” of hearts to the Divine Plan that will change forever the course of all the coming events.

It will be the “yes” of all My beloved children that will defeat the beast of all times.

It will be the “yes” of My children, of the children of Mary, that will open the doors of the Universe for the Return of Christ.

Dare to say “yes” to the Universe and you will not recognize yourselves.

I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As long as humanity decides to walk along the path of suffering, it will need the sublime currents of healing.

Therefore, we come to encounter you in this time to try to awaken humanity to the path of non-suffering.

Many souls in this time seek to resolve their inner and outer lives without Christ; this leads them to enter paths of great suffering and tests, losing the meaning of their spiritual and evolutive paths.

Although there are only a few souls that find the path of healing, this will be spiritually radiated towards the consciousness of the planet. Therefore, it is important to maintain a consciousness of permanent search for redemption so that the inner processes of humanity may finally be healed.

Prayer favors and conceives this spiritual healing, which souls seek so much, to take place gradually; having a lot of faith is all it takes to be able to reach the Source of divine and inner healing.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The pain that transforms into love

My dear children,

Just as My Beloved Son lived His Passion for all of you, some of you will live the spiritual passion that He lived.

This will be one of the paths through which humanity will be purified and will be saved.

All the pain of the world must be transformed into love, because love will be the key that will always open all the doors and will bring incalculable opportunities for souls.

Thus, some of you will be called upon to turn pain into love.

This same state was experienced by My Beloved Son in an unconditional and pious way.

Jesus made Himself available to transform the pain of the world into love and into compassion.

Given the grave planetary state and the condition of humanity of these times, representatives of this race will offer themselves to the Celestial Father to transform all the pain into love.

This will help in that many souls that are lost in the unconscious abysses of the Earth may receive an opportunity of awakening and of getting out of these spaces of perdition.

All pain will be transformed into love.

In this hour of the planet, the situation of humanity is at a precipice and the ambition for more material and human power blinds many.

Thus, pain will be transformed into love through the unconditional help of those who will be called by God to fulfill this silent service.

As in past times, there will be the saints of the last times, who will precede the Coming of Christ and will give all for all, with the goal of spiritually balancing this humanity.

All pain will be transformed into love, because all evil must be defeated and emptied out from the human consciousness through the Power of the Love of God.

Many situations that the world experiences today will be resolved because of the saints existing in the end times, who will transform all pain into love and thus, souls will be alleviated, will beable to take their steps, and will become aware of the precious time that they missed to be in God.

All pain will be transformed into love and you will see the Divine Plan being fulfilled in the spaces of this world.

Souls will be purified to be worthy of the Greater Grace and no one will be left behind.

All will receive the opportunity of being conscious of their mistakes and of being able to correct them in time, because all pain will be transformed into love.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come as a new Sun, to illuminate the world and remove it from the darkness.

I come as part of the Holy Heart of God, so that His Name may be known and loved by all creatures.

I come so that humanity may know peace, proclaim it and live it every days of its existence.

I come at a time of wars and conflicts, in which the nations are beginning to collapse, one by one, as a consequence of their actions and their deceptions; due to worldwide deception and blindness, in which humankind lie to one another and to themselves, but they will never deceive God.

I come to a world without brotherhood and without love, in which the nations promote wars and conflicts with one another, to stand out and benefit from the suffering and from the lack of those who suffer from this illusion.

I come for the innocents who are losing themselves in this play of human forces, without understanding why they suffer so much, and who ask themselves where God is to support them.

God, children, contemplates each heart and humanity as a whole. If human beings do not open the doors to Him, do not cry out, do not pray and do not seek peace, how will He be able to reach those who are most in need and feel forgotten, not only by humanity, but also by their Father?

I come for an ignorant humanity, which needs to understand that the time for games and spiritual childishness is over, because of the consequences of their illusions is seen in the decadence of the nations, of the cultures, of the religions, of the souls, of the Kingdoms of Nature.

I come for the Kingdoms, which cannot lift up their word to humanity to ask for Mercy and peace, to ask for the end of the blood shed on the earth and in the oceans, for the end of the martyrdom of the trees, of the imbalance generated in the minerals so that humankind can adorn their bodies and strengthen their illusions.

I come for the consciousness of a planet that is alive, that suffers and endures with all the innocents, both in nature as well as in humanity, and which is not heard except by God and by the Universe, when it calls out for life and for evolution.

I come today to make an appeal together with My children for a world with more peace, so that each one who hears Me may build this peace in their own life, and testify to their transformation, through example and through prayer.

I come to ask you to spread My Call beyond the borders, the beliefs and religions, because I do not ask but for hearts to strengthen their faith, and this being true and pure, and if it leads you into loving a neighbor and God above all things, that you live it fully and without deceptions.

I come to ask you for inner unity among cultures, respect among religions, an understanding of the paths that God inspired His children to live, not so that they compete with each other, but so that, in the diversity of His creatures, each one might find the way to reach His Heart, be it through Buddha, Mohammed, or Christ. If you are sincere and seek to express Love, all will reach God, and there you will understand the essence of unity, which today your minds cannot conceive of because they are so full of human concepts and ideas.

I am here as a simple Mediator, as the Co-redeemer of this Plan of Love, as a Celestial and Divine Mother sent by God to guide humanity to return to the Origin in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I do not ask you to worship Me, but rather that you listen to Me and unite with the Purpose that I bring you, recognizing it as true in light of the need of the world.

It is not I, My children, who needs your prayers. It is you, as humanity, who must learn how to pray, to save yourselves and to lift this world out of blindness and the spiritual and almost physical captivity in which it finds itself.

I only ask that you unite with God and understand His Love for life and for each one of His creatures. To understand each human being, as well as each element and species in nature, as a precious jewel of the Creator, an indivisible part of the Heart of the Father. Each time one of His children is lost, it is His Heart that suffers, that grieves and that dies with this little essence that comes from Him.

My Call is for Peace, for Truth and for the experiencing of Love among creatures. All the mysteries will be revealed to the eyes that live in this way, responding to My call. And everything will be fulfilled if My requests are fulfilled in your lives.

I love you and I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Opening the doors of My Heart, into My Soul I bring the warm love of My children, and I take refuge in them so as to be able to continue walking and assisting this humanity.

Opening the doors of My Heart, into My Spirit I bring the warm prayers of those who are confirmed in the mission to pray for peace.

Opening the doors of My Heart, into My Essence I bring the pure offerings and sacrifices of those who surrender their lives into the Hands of God.

Opening the doors of My Heart, into My Consciousness I bring all those who feel in themselves the movement of the Mirrors, and in this humanity, generate the opportunity for redemption.

Opening the doors of My Heart, into all My Being I bring the offerings of the simplest pilgrims who, in faith, in love and in trust, seek union with God through My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


With My stripped and pure Feet, I step on what causes pain and sadness in My children. In the name of God, I am firmly on the serpent and make it feel the Power of the Creator, so that in this way, it may be placated.

With My Hands together in prayer, I plead for the planet and for each soul of this world, without ceasing to guide and accompany those who invoke My aid.

With My luminous Mantle, I radiate the Kingdom of God so that souls may distinguish it, and recognizing it within themselves, dare to enter the Heart of God.

With the Crown of twelve Stars on My Head, I establish the Attributes of Light for the world and send the angels of Heaven on a mission so they may sow in humanity everything that will make it more fraternal, service-oriented and peaceful.

With My Gaze of Love on the world, I intensely plead for those who are lost in the material life, and with My Divine Mind, I lift up what is fallen so the Law of Redemption may be accomplished.

And so it is that I am with My Consciousness unfolded, to encompass everything, beyond this world and this humanity, because My Purpose is that everyone be able to live the Supreme Will.

For this reason, I come in aid of all those who say 'yes' to Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When I come to ask you to pray for the oceans and seas, I also ask that you pray for the continents and nations; in this way, all of Creation will be spiritually included in this proposal for redemption and Grace for this planet.

It will be in this way that all the Kingdoms, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom, will be assisted by the powerful stream of prayer and of peace.

I would like all My praying children to be able to penetrate this mystery of the universe of prayer, because each time you activate the prayerful verb, you are allowing the Divine Source to descend and draw closer to the whole human race.

With the prayer for the oceans and for the Kingdoms of Nature, your Heavenly Mother can intercede in a broader way, and although humanity continues to commit offenses against Creation, My Grace today grants you an opportunity for more souls to awaken and feel within themselves the need for a change toward the good and peace.

While the planet and your race are spiritually congested, your Heavenly Mother comes with aid and with love to rescue you, and in this way, establish a state of greater fraternity, wisdom and love in the human race, even though the majority of My children have lost everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and prays for you every day,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The breath of the Divine Spirit

Dear children,

May on this day the breath of the Spirit be in all of you in order that, in these times, the Gifts and the Graces that humanity have lost can return to the world.

With this I ardently wish that, on this day, My children recover what they lost by the action of the material and superficial life.

Today, your Heavenly Mother offers to everyone the breath of the Spirit of God so that, in this time, the planetary consciousness and the human race be restored and thus, regain the codes of the divine essence.

Your Majesty and Lady comes to Europe for the souls that live arrested under the condition of the material life; souls that not even draw near to the unconditionality of the spirit.

Activating the great Mirror of Her humble Heart, Your Heavenly Mother irradiates, for this part of humanity, the codes of light and of redemption that will make, in these times, that the race reintegrate to its consciousness what, some day, will make it dignified and worthy of the Kingdom of God.

At this time, humanity of surface must have consciousness of the need of changing its lifestyle, seeking the common and fraternal good among their fellow human beings and among nations.

In this way, not only Portugal but also all Europe will come out of this regional indifference and can achieve, through faith and Grace, a state of greater purity and of solidarity with the neighbor.

If Europe, or at least a part of the its nations, could live what I ask them, with all the supplication of My Heart, the Father will grant, by the intercession of His Lady, the profound Grace of a greater awakening and more time of peace, so needed for the inner worlds, which still are not prepared to experience their own purification.

I have come on this day to bring to Europe the breath of the Spirit of God, so that the consciousness of the Europeans enter, definitely, into a degree of greater charity, service and unconditionality for all the planetary need.

This will prepare the conditions so that the Messengers of God get to Africa next time and so that, through love and Grace, the wounds that Europe had left in the continent and in the African people may be mercifully healed by the balsam of healing that the Angels of the Father could pour out upon My children of Africa.

I hope, always hope, that every prayerful heart and every servant soul accompanies their Heavenly Mother in this sacred mission.

From this moment, and before time, I thank all who will collaborate to provide My so desired and divine visit to Africa.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Villa de Dornes, Ferreira do Zêzere, Santarém, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As silence penetrates the surface consciousness, the alliance between souls and God is established, and everything that is superficial and illusory begins to lose strength and vigor.

It is for this reason that when sacred silence is truly practiced, it not only benefits the soul but also the spirit of each being.

In this hour, a sacred silence can overcome great adversities and defeat great abysses of the planetary consciousness, because it acts as the first Law in all things.

When silence is experienced with love, devotion and harmony, it is an autonomous portal that opens over the consciousness of the planet and expands so widely that, without a battle, it releases the conditions or the projects of evil that were about to happen.

Sacred silence brings a renewal of life, and this influences the vows in a positive way, which also benefits the spiritual consecration of humanity.

Silence is an invisible and imperceptible instrument that roots out the human condition and acts upon the deepest planes of the being.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My Love and My Grace are like a rain that wets the earth to allow the life of humankind to be more fertile and fruitful.

That rain of Graces, which comes from My Heart, is poured out upon humanity most in need of forgiveness and redemption.

Thus, the rain of Graces I bring allows all things to be renewed and makes each moment an opportunity to meet again with God.

The rain of Graces of My Heart waits to change the world and awaken consciousnesses to their true reality.

This rain of Graces can heal a being or the whole of the planet, because it is based on the Love of God, the Love He has for His children.

Seek this Grace of being in God, for it will allow everything to be renewed and everything to be transformed.

May the Grace of God be your companion.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Behold, from Heaven will come, as shinning as a new Sun, a star of hope. It will shine within those that open to receive Its Light and It will illumine the eyes of those who were blind, so that they may be removed from their own darkness and can contemplate the Truth that they were never able to see.

Behold, from Heaven will come a Woman Clothed with the Sun, One Who, sustained by divine silence, once occultly lived the mysteries of the Passion of Her Son, the Son of God. She will come because the passion of the planet has already begun, and the Woman Clothed with the Sun will hold Her Children in Her arms, She will protect and shelter them, just as She did with Her Son, from the Calvary to the Cross.

Behold the Woman that, with eyes of compassion, renews Her little ones after each fall. This is the One that will not be able to avoid the suffering of Her children if humanity does not open to Her Peace, but will have the cross be light and meritorious for those who say “yes” to Her.

Behold the One that, despite not being understood by humankind, keeps coming to the world to guide them. Here, children, is the Mother of Truth proclaimed by God and not by humankind; a Living and indivisible part of the Heart of the Father.

Behold, today I am here, opening the doors of My Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of Peace and of Purity for the planet, where My reign extends beyond Heaven; where the angels find a dwelling place and a refuge beyond Paradise; where souls receive new opportunities of redemption.

Children, here is Your Celestial Mother, to consecrate you and bless you, to wash you in the waters of divine knowledge, and so that in this way, you may awaken to the Truth that will emerge in front of your eyes, so that you may receive it with joy and gratitude, and let yourselves be transformed by it.

This Truth, My children, will not only be transmitted by the word, with the senses, or with the heart. The Truth will emerge from Heaven and from Earth, and all that was hidden from the eyes of humankind will be revealed. The ones who knew and were indifferent will repent; the ones who felt it and waited for it will be exalted; the ones who knew it and with diligence prepared for its arrival will be grateful and will rest in the revelation of its light; the ones who did not believe and denied the Truth will be fearful and will try to escape, not knowing where to go.

Behold, today I am here, before the eyes of your hearts, as the proclaimer of Universal Truth. For I have announced it and warned you so that you may prepare your hearts. Just receive My grace and be consequent with Me. Let devotion become faithfulness and fortitude; convert into an unbreakable faith, that transcends the human strength and will, and enter into Celestial Power and Purposes.

Behold, today I am here, renewing humanity, as I renew one of My favorite souls on Earth. My hands reach out to her, as to all that say “yes” to My Plan of Love, which is the Plan of God. And today I take advantage of this opportunity of coming to the world to begin opening the doors of the new time and of the liberation of souls; and so I do, children, because a soul surrendered and resigned to Divine Will said “yes” to Me.

If all of you said the same to Me or a greater “yes”, My Heart would come to the world to renew you every day and the Truth would not just emerge in front of the eyes of humankind when Justice and the Law of God no longer allowed it to be hidden. Truth could be a permanent reality in the life of humankind, and not only the angels would live in My Kingdom, but all of you, all of My children.

Today I open the doors of Lis, My Kingdom of Love and of Peace on Earth, so that the Purity that is so lacking in the world may give you the grace of living the Peace and the Will of God.

Today, beloved children, I take you by the hand to My Kingdom on Earth, which balances and repairs – as much as it is allowed – the indifference and ignorance of the souls that so wound the Heart of God.

Behold I am here today as a Radiant Sun, Mirror of the Heart of Christ, to reflect His Mercy for you, and to bless and renew not only this daughter of Mine, who opened the doors to Me to transmit the Truth to you, but all those who listen to Me from the four corners of the world and who open the doors of their hearts and of their homes to Me, so that I may reign.

I Am the Queen of your lives and with the Love of My Heart I thank you for being before Me today.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

While the doors of Lys-Fatima slowly open to give the great impulse to humanity, let your hearts and lives prepare in awareness, love and faith to receive the impulse which will be given by your Celestial Mother to all Her children of the world.

Today once again, Heaven will descend to Earth, to a planet with wounds, hurt by your actions and darkened by your errors.

In this way, if each child of Mine should give the best of themselves on May 13, I assure you that something very serious could be reversed overnight.

With resolve, bravery and courage, I invite you, dear children, to overcome your inner limitations, so that something truly changes in the conscious level and the inner self of this current humanity.

I will especially be united with the Holy Father; thus, I ask you to be inwardly united with Him, as a member of the Church that must be healed, restored and redeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and prepares you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The Law is there to be fulfilled, yet souls prefer not to fulfill it and suffer. In this way, they all enter the interminable circle of suffering and despair.

On the other hand, a prayer spoken with the heart draws consciousnesses closer to the living of the Law that protects them always and leads them on the good path.

But humanity has separated itself from the true Law; thus, it is in decline and in some places, on the point of self-destruction. For this reason, in this spiritual battle to conquer the Kingdom in this world, the spiritual Hierarchy makes use of all instruments to generate the expected victory of the universe in humanity.

Universal Laws placate possible human errors, because they stop souls from falling into a sea of conflicts and suffering.

The Law comes to free the world from unpayable debts; and experiencing these Laws is being offered to everyone, without exception, so that no creature lacks the opportunity of reversing their individual or collective process.

As Mother of the Law, I call on My Children to follow Me, in order to generate in humanity a bridge of peace and reconciliation with all the universe and Creation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When the Plan of God is not lovingly accepted, just as the universe of Higher Will presents it, humanity inwardly responds that it is stepping away from Grace and the opportunity for redemption which forgiveness grants it. But when the Plan of God is not accepted by those beings that are more aware, this is the answer though which the entire Purpose will begin to be erased.

This completely superficial and small-minded attitude of the human being limits the development of that Greater Plan, which only seeks a group benefit for all creatures.

For this reason, in this time, a non-acceptance and lack of adherence to all that is being planned through the Spiritual Hierarchy, affirms and confirms, on the part of the human collective, the living of or the experience of a violent and irresistible purification, since that inexplicable opportunity is not being considered, nor is the Grace of living a different Law that could, on its higher level, transform many things.

Thus, the participation or the absence of those within the Plan of Love will bring consequences and results in all senses.

Each soul is responsible for everything coming out in an evolutionary way.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, with Mercy,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



While My Beloved Son made of each town He visited a new point of light for the planet, the miracles of life and conversion did not stop happening.

When My Son still had permission from the Celestial Father to work and attract more Mercy for the souls, in spite of the spiritual conditions of that time, His Sacred Heart did not cease to penetrate with His Light and His Mystery all souls He met on His simple paths.

Jesus taught His apostles while they visited the cities around Jerusalem that they should cultivate within themselves not only the spirit of faith, but also the persistence before all that would come.

At various moments My Beloved Son revealed to His followers and disciples that His awaited hour was approaching and, although the Lord would live one of the greatest sacrifices for humanity and for the Project of the Most High, He never ceased to show the inner power of His faith.

The faith of Jesus at that time was everything, and it meant the fundamental Purpose for the sinful and non-sinful souls to feed from the Divine Source.

In the faith of Jesus, the apostles and followers found the possibility of regaining the reconciliation with God and above all the confidence that would make each soul, at that time, worthy of the Mercy that was shed through the Presence of the Son of God.

Thus, Jesus tried through all spiritual and inner means that humanity recovered something so elevated as faith is; because this faith would place it again, as race, on the path it had lost.

In Jesus the power of His Faith was revealed, in silence. A faith that liberated the souls or that approached them again to the Divine Existence.

In those days, the Sacred Master prepared the human consciousness so that during the Passion of Christ it would recognize, at the least expected moment, who in truth was this consciousness and how much humanity should surrender to God to achieve redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

To transcend the human condition in these times will be a challenge to be overcome through love and determination.

With courage, look to see how much there is to still be transformed and break the barrier that separates you from the truth. That barrier is formed by preferences, desires and gratifications and, day after day, it is consolidated by the collective of humanity itself.

Every human condition can be worked on when compassion awakens within you, capable of going past the limits and abysses in which the human consciousness frequently decides to be.

In this hour, in which all lessons are allowed, I ask you, dear children, to unite with what you truly are, without looking into the past, because everything can easily influence you.

I invite you to penetrate the mystery of love, for in that love you will find Christ and you will be protected.

The Source of Divine Love awaits you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Every day, I gently look at you and, through your souls, I try to see the precious Presence of Christ.

In this way, I draw closer to the most lost of humanity to guide it to the purpose it has lost sight of.

Every day, I look at the world and see that many times you repeat all your errors. As in a vicious state, humanity does not manage to get out of its own abysses on its own.

For this reason, time and again, the Lord sends consciousnesses so that they may unconditionally serve Him on this planet, so that they transmute and endure sufferings similar to that which Jesus experienced.

The Lord calls those saints of the last days, souls that will experience a great sacrifice for many more and will do this in a most profound silence; so this will not be news anywhere.

In this way My eyes contemplate them and, as a Mother, I accompany each step those souls will take out of love for God. To the rest of the children, it will be enough to pray for these souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, to the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Every day I wish to convert you into a model of love and of compassion, in likeness to or equal to My Son.

This will help the planet and humanity to able to count on souls that live in love and in Christic compassion, which will awaken a small flow of New Christs in the race, so that now and always, humanity will no longer be lost from the Path of God.

Opening My arms and extending My hands to My children, I invite you to be within the great Universe of the Love of God, so that many situations may be healed and guided by the Light of My Heart.

In this way, dear children, I call on you to awaken to the deepest and truest that exists in you so that finally, this planet may be rebuilt by love and hope.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the venerated and most gentle Lady of Schoenstatt, the Mother thrice admirable for Her Grace, for Her Love, and for Her intercession.

The Lady of Schoenstatt is a divine invocation and an inspiration of a faithful devotee of Mary.

In Mary of Schoenstatt, My children find the opportunity to be favored by three divine intercessions of Our Lady; that is to say, by the authority of Her Grace, by the authority of Her Love, and by the power of Her intercession before the Celestial Father for all of humanity.

Happy are those who invoke the power of Mary of Schoenstatt, for they will be entering in consciousness into a profound state of Grace and of Mercy.

May Mary of Schoenstatt be the model and the way for finding the conversion and the redemption of your life.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the ever admirable and honorable Virgin Who watches over and protects each child who surrenders into Her maternal arms.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the mediator, a model for non-spiritualized humanity. In Her can be found the hope and the receptacle where the aspiration for remaining in perpetual communion with Christ may blossom.

The reason Mary of Schoenstatt holds the Divine Son in Her arms is to remind the world that every path of love and of understanding begins through Mary of Schoenstatt. 

Let the adorable Virgen be the model for achieving inner peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

