Thursday, September 19 of 2013

Monthly Messages


I come today from the Heavens and from each one of your hearts to renew the commitment with My Most Chaste Heart that God has conceded to each one of your souls.

With this I tell you, dear servers of My Son, that each one of your souls is under the permanent guidance of My Heart, as well as all of humanity that must wake up for a New Life.

As a Messenger of God I prepare you not only to receive My Son Jesus who will soon return, but I also come to prepare you so that you may be able to live with Him a life of sanctity upon the Earth.

My Heart arrives to the world at request of God the All Powerful so that through My presence your souls may be instructed in the spiritual virtues that lead you to the path of eternal consecration.

Apparition after Apparition I radiate to the world the codes that I achieved by the Work and Grace of the Holy Spirit as a consciousness that is most pure and most faithful to God and to His Purpose of Love.

These virtues and attributes of My Heart are born in those who open themselves to live a life of simplicity and of surrender to the Creator under the vows of service and fidelity to God.

Service will make you grow and mature the spirit and it will make your hearts humble and simple.

Fidelity to God will allow that your consciousnesses answer to the Will of the Father under any circumstance, and when you are faithful to this Holy Will you allow God to work in your lives and, as a perfect artisan, to build in each one of yourselves the perfect Archetype of humanity.

My dear companions, if you are today together with Me and remain at My side it is because your souls have decided to answer to this Sacred Call that My Heart makes to humanity. For this today I tell you that it is already time for humanity to manifest in itself the perfect Plan of God.

When Our Lord thought about the human being He created a being of perfect Love and perfect Peace. A race that would allow that the Consciousness of God acted in all the Universe because it would open the door to It through the heart.

Today I come to announce to you that the times are accelerating and the Graces also pour out from the Kingdom of God. It is in this way that you are able to see in your lives the presence of the Most Sacred Messengers of God.

For this trust the words that are pronounced by these Messengers; follow step by step, with attention, without faltering. Trust that God Himself talks to you through His faithful Servers, those who once lived upon the Earth this perfect Archetype of the Creation and who today return to teach you and to conduct you through this same path.

Today I tell you that so great is the Grace that you receive and that so intense is the presence of the Holy Spirit in your lives, as it was in the life of the Sacred Family of Nazareth. Only turn your eyes to the High and open the doors of the heart so that this Source of Divine Presence may enter into your lives.

I bless you and I love you always.

Your Eternal Instructor and Intercessor, Saint Joseph.