Saturday, June 15 of 2019

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Saint Joseph transmitted in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Pray and welcome the divine Graces with love.

Receive in your spirit and in your heart the Rays which come from the Heart of the Creator of all things. His Divine Science manifests within beings when they pray from the heart and it reveals to them what they truly are; it allows essences to recover their brightness and their celestial expression, and demonstrates to humankind the purity and the mystery which lies within you.

Let all that which happens in the silence and in the invisible of planetary existence expand to all beings, to all of Creation. Let that which the Father gives you when you pray to flow from your heart to the world, and make of your life a permanent service for human evolution.

Be a server in silence, a server from the heart, a server who lives the Gospel within themselves and transforms the human consciousness from the inside out, converting the deepest roots of your degeneration.

You are a part of a whole; you are the product of a history that did not begin on this Earth and which will not end on it; but which is defined here, within each being.

If two or more experience the transformation that the Creator needs, it will already be enough to demonstrate the greatness of the Love of God to all of Creation, and renew the evolution of all life, on this planet and beyond it.

Aspire, child, to be the one who makes the difference. Seek to be the one who experiences the transcendence of self every day. Seek to live within yourself what you aspire for humanity to manifest, and find the Will and the Design of God through your purest aspirations.

You have My blessing for this. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph