Monday, May 25 of 2015

Daily Messages

The true fruit of prayer is Love and from Love is born the confidence in God.  From this confidence, Faith sprouts as a seed of light so that afterwards it may become a flower that will be at the feet of the Altar of God.

The only path is Hope because from it, Wisdom is born and from Wisdom, the servant consciousness is nourished to someday live in Peace.  From Peace comes meekness, that is the gift of the pacifiers and this meekness is the shield against all restlessness and disturbance.

Fear exists for the lack of confidence, and fear is a misleading weapon that My adversary uses to make the hearts give up on the Path of God.  From this fear, wrath is born and from wrath, comes guilt and oppression, cunnings from the enemy to impede your confirmation to the Plan of God.

But the soul that prays, renews itself and loses all of the fears, does not have anything to gain nor to lose because it is surrendered to the Will of God.  Who lives prayer, bear good fruits, but who prays in sincerity and without automatisms will convert itself into a precious pearl to God.

For this I come to the world to teach you about this school of prayer.  If you enter this path you shall get to know your potentials and virtues.  It is enough to just take the first step so that in a short time you may liberate yourselves from all the codes of superfluous and petty life.

Be today a great mirror of light that, through the loving prayer, reflects to the world the Light of Christ among darkness.

Be pillars of the new time so that My Son may institute His Temple of Mercy in you and, in this way, the basis of the New Humanity will be able to be manifested.

Banish from your consciousness the path of perdition and spiritual blindness, open the eyes and read the message that the Queen of Heaven has written to you.

These are already the last announcements before everything is triggered.  Live in prayer and someday you will be a reflection of a living prayer, permeated by The Spirit of Christ and free from all evil.

The world needs mirrors of prayer, power plants of cosmic and divine fire, that attract towards the planet, the laws of Mercy and Harmony in a time of great imbalances.

The proposal to convert your life is in force.  Adhere to the call and enter the universe of My Heart in order to thus redeem your consciousnesses.

There in the Universe, we will always be one.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who ignites the mirrors of the heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace