Friday, May 20 of 2016

The Sacred Call

Abbun debashmaia...
(Our Father in Aramaic)

Adore the One who gave His life for you in the name of God.

Submerge into the tireless Heart that still vibrates in the Universe for each one of you.

My Government is universal and the principle of My Law is infinite, for it is the Law of your Father which shelters you in the heart of His Love and His Mercy.

Blessed are those who persist, for they shall not lose peace.

Therefore, let My Heart rule within you, so that your hearts may open even more to the Mystery I try to reveal to you, in the name of love and of unity.

I Am the Being that right now governs the stars.

I am the preamble that announces the coming of the last time to humanity.

I am the One who does not tire of being with His apostles and with those who follow Him with faithfulness and love.

Today I come to bring the presence of the Infinite to all souls of the world.

Today I come to banish from here the false powers of My adversary, those which have hypnotized an entire nation and made a failure out of the lost hearts.

But I shall not rest, because among few I shall work to carry forward the Plans of My Father, as it was in the past, when all Works were silently carried out with those who were self-summoned to serve Me in this Plan of Redemption, which continues throughout times and emerges from the hearts that surrender before my Celestial Presence.

Today I am not alone here, companions; but rather you are with the Universe, with the whole Universe of Love, which you are invited to simply enter through My Heart, which is present with you tonight to redeem you.

The door of redemption I open in this time is different from the one I opened in the past, by the intercession of the Archangel Michael.

Today the Archangel Gabriel accompanies the banishment of impure spirits and clarifies the consciousnesses that humiliate themselves before God and repent, to be able to receive in their hearts the Flame of Reconciliation.

The winged angels that accompany My Government are different from those that accompanied My public Work in the past. Because now, dear companions, times are not only pressing, but it is urgent to accomplish the works within you.

This shall determine before My Heavenly Father the possibility of Us still coming to help you and assist you in this Plan of Salvation.

Millions should be prostrated on this ground of Aurora, for I have come to one of the most difficult regions of this world to concretize what is possible in an impossible place, which no one feels encouraged to deal with.

But, if it is the Will of My Father, companions, all shall be done. It is enough that two or more hearts unite with this Purpose of Mine, for everything to be taken forward.

But the Graces have been poured and you know it.

I can no longer give the pearls of Heaven to the pigs, as it was in the past and as I once told you.

The treasures of My Father are incalculable for the hearts that are open to receive them in humility and simplicity.

I come to bring unknown things to the world, inexplicable opportunities, and I open doors for this to happen every time I descend from the Universe.

I Am not only Jesus anymore. I Am the Ruler of this Universe, who is not sitting on any throne, for I Am the Son of God, I Am the servant of the Universal Father, like His faithful female Servant, who works in silence with the innocent and the poor.

We are divine, companions, for Our Father is in Our Divinity and it is He who makes everything He touches divine, with His Love and His Light.

So many mercies are still kept in My Heart for this country, but I see it does not accept them sincerely.

The Almighty has revealed this sacred place to you, which was born through the explosion of a sincere love that would heal and redeem all consciousnesses that would come here. But they were not able to contemplate what the healing of God and the healing of the Universe meant.

We were sent from the Celestial Government in this time to announce the corrections to the world and to humanity, by means of the Sacred Words of the Law, but they were not heard. For this reason, We shall not perform miracles as we did throughout times by means of My Most Holy Body, or the Apparition of My Mother in Zeitoun, Egypt.

Our testimony of love is not only spiritual, but also material. We are reflected in the hearts that live our messages and that work day by day to be able to reach the Project of God.

Nothing is impossible in this time. A little of your determination will allow everything to be accomplished as it was thought by the One Mind, by your God who is in the Heavens and who loves you.

When I am no longer here, the archangels shall rule this world and this whole solar system until My Return. They shall organize the Universal Judgement, which will no longer be a theory written in books or a piece of knowledge for few; for the true theology, companions, is born from the heart which humbles itself before God and loves what the Father gives it.

The only power is held by the Universe and is given to those who do not want it for themselves and, without realizing - as it has happened with many consciousnesses - manifest the Power of God, as is the case with the power of Aurora, which shines in the invisible and withdraws from the inquisitive.

Because Aurora is the Power of God, the power which has been neither understood nor accepted. You, as humanity, preferred to illustrate other truths, which are not truths, over this holy place. For this reason We come to give the true testimony as Messengers of Light and of Good.

Thus, the Archangel Michael deigned to come here with His holy presence to decree the power of Liberation for those willing to be redeemed before his warrior heart.

Humanity will never be able to understand the Will of God, because one must first love it, and It expresses Itself in the simplicity and the love of the poor hearts. There is no other way for this Power to be manifested and for everything to be materialized.

Uruguay has denied this Power for wanting to maintain its own power.

Aurora, as God's Power, tried since the beginning to break structures so that hearts could be redeemed, even though few were touched since it was born with the splendor of its light.

However, the doors of God's Heart shall never be closed to the sinners and the most ignorant, to the atheists or those who practice a religion but have their hearts toughened against the Truth, for not wanting to feel It and not being able to understand It.

I have sent My Mother to this place so that Uruguay could learn to love Her, not only in a sculpture, but within hearts, where Divinity, Love, the Presence of the Most High truly dwell.

We have given clear signs of the paths that were being opened so that everyone could walk them, but even so, they tarried.

Today I come to bring you a message of warning, so that the other nations may learn and not take the same steps taken by this humanity present here.

The Universe has done the possible and the impossible so that the eyes of the heart of many creatures could open before Me; but the Law, companions, which is just, loving and balanced, is closing this cycle.

Aurora, as Power of God, has much to give and shall come to those who seek it with sincerity and love, because it will not be necessary to understand it in order to get to know it; one will only need to open oneself, and healing shall be manifested in the hearts of those who invoke it.

The Archangel Michael shall take power over this nation and Aurora shall continue to shine in other spaces of this world. As well as here, in this place, it shall always shine.

I know you do not understand what I am telling you; just keep the vibration of My Words so that they may echo in the receptive hearts and not get lost, like the graces that have been poured into the hearts of this region and were not valued by them.

Nevertheless, the commitments that have been made with the Universe before you came here as souls, are still valid and this shall also have its judgement.

The Voice of God is unique and today It expresses Itself by means of My Merciful Heart, for it is My Mercy and My Goodness that today tell you such things, so that you may grow with awareness and humility.

I want you to bring here the banner of the Archangel Michael, for He shall be the Patron and Protector of this place through My divine blessing.

Keep praying internally while I wait for the banner, because I will give you a sacred power which shall concretize the Victory of Christ on Earth. 

In this symbol one can find the purification of matter and of spirit, the liberation of corrupt currents and of all the spirits which deviate the hearts of the Earth from their purpose. In it one can find the upliftment of consciousness and the perfect offering to the Creator.

While I am silent, the Universes are working with humanity. Do not miss the opportunity again.

My Consciousness is the One that unites all beings of the Universe so that the Grace of God may express Itself in all hearts.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us chant, at the request of the Master and in His presence, the melodic Kodoish.

And now that the elements have been purified, let us pray to the Lord.

Let us repeat:

Sacred Archangel Michael,
Sword of Light of the Universe,
descend, Oh Prince!, to this world
and banish with Your Love
all dark spaces,
in the name of Divine Love.

The complete prayer for three times.

Go in peace, companions, and meditate without disturbing yourselves, for those who experience the Gift of the Science of God understand everything, even without having known it before.

I thank you!

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, before closing we would like to tell you that sometimes the things the Master says may sound too strong but, by means of His Words, He expresses to us the Will of God, and we must fully trust that everything He tells us is for our good and for the good of the planet and of humanity.

Therefore, as He requested from us, we invite you to watch again, in some other moment, this Message that He brought to us on this 20th of May, in this monthly encounter with Christ. We would like to thank you for your company, for the company of all present here. We shall carry the Words of Christ in our hearts.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!