Thursday, January 17 of 2013

Special Message

Dear children:

As the Luminous Bird I come to bring you a Good News which from the Heavens arrives to the Earth.  I come to announce to My children the coming of the Holy Spirit in your lives, a Spirit that comes to renew and redeem the hearts that are defining themselves in this time as eternal soldiers of My Peace.  I come from the Heavens by the request of the Lord to give an impulse to those that still have not decided to take the first step.  I come to awaken from sleep those who are sleeping.  I come to convert in praying souls and in peacemaker spirits those who only suffer, suffer without finding the path to leave from themselves.

My children, we are in a definitive time for your lives. My Heart brings you by the hands until here, and now also My Son has received the Grace to guide you before His second return to this Earth.  This is the time of valiant hearts.  May the warrior spirits announce their names before My army so that together with Me they may walk in a march towards the Light.

The Spirit of God will arrive but will make His dwelling only in columns that are firm, in trees that have deeper roots that do not fear the strong winds.  For this dear children those that still are awaiting their time know that it has already arrived.  For the souls that still are undecided between their true path and which already have become older, may they abandon the past and unify themselves with the Redeemer.  He now comes in Spirit in order to count with His own hands how many are the warriors that will persist in His army of Peace.

Who are the Apostles that will overcome, enveloped in Mercy, the time of Justice?

Who are those that will lift their arms and who will announce their names, in order to overcome fear and to leave in order to to preach, two by two, the words of the Lord?

Who will really trust in My words when they will be denied?

To those that will overcome themselves for God and will make triumphant His Love, for those I wait in prayer without time, without tiring. Because the world in this way is in need.

I love all and I pour upon the world in this hour My Mercy so that it may strengthen your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Queen of all souls.


While Mary was rising up I asked Her why she came especially at this time.

And Mary, showing me many souls in suffering in the darkness, answered me:

“Today I come to give an impulse to those who are sleeping because the souls suffer waiting for their awakening.”