Thursday, December 22 of 2011

Daily Messages

I hear daily the supplications of your hearts. I come from Heaven to respond to the call of hearts that unite to Me. The life of the hearts that consecrate themselves to the Most High God is inspired, by means of the tests of confirmation, on the path that the soul goes through, until arriving to the throne of the Lord. For this reason, My little children, do not fear for how much you have offended God. Instead, seek, in every moment, how to return to Him.

I am the Lady of Peace and I reach all the hearts that, being open, want to enter the Kingdom of the Lord. If the soul feels unprotected for that which it still must overcome in itself, I ask it to enter into a state of prayer in order to be able to thus repair the offenses that souls commit against the Heavens.

I come as the Mother, Help of Hearts*, so that they may feel My immaculate trust in themselves. Enter into My Immaculate Heart when you are overwhelmed, confused, or distant from prayer.

I come to reconcile your hearts with the Celestial Light. Sheltered within My Heart you will receive My Kind Love so that your souls may find humility before the Lord.

My little ones, you are part of the Creation of the Lord; you were made in His image and likeness. Now I invite you to transform and to surrender that which has not yet been transformed. I give you the flame of My Merciful Love so that you may strengthen yourselves day by day.

Silence your hearts. Allow that the true love may spring from them. I will lead you along the paths of peace. Feel the expansion of My Mantle of Light, despite everything. I guide you. I accompany you. I will show you the exit.

Revere with your hearts whenever you are before the Most Beloved Heart of My Son. He will radiate to you the power of the Love of God.

Go in Peace. I forgive you. I love you more than you love your own lives. I contemplate you from the Heart.

Keep going towards Christ, wayfarers of the Good News! Who shelters you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


* Tr: “Mother, Help of Hearts” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”