Saturday, May 4 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My beloved and little children:

Today I want to leave to you an instruction of love so that you may be able to better understand how the Plan of the Love of God for His Children on the Earth must be fulfilled in these times.

Each creature in this world, before arriving here committed, to the Supreme God, a task that would be fulfilled out of love for Him while here on the Earth.

Each one of you is a perfect piece of the puzzle that God has created in which all the wonders from Heaven will be reflected on the Earth. Each time that any of you forget about this commitment of love that you made with God the Creator, this love that He would pour upon this planet through one of His Children is lost.

Also, this child, by not allowing this Love to be nourished, starts to get dry like a plant that does not receive water nor the light of the sun.

Today, many are the children who have forgotten about the task of love that in commitment to Glory, they realized with the Creator. Today the planet does not receive this gift of love that nourishes it and gives life to it, and minute by minute it gets more and more dry.

Beloved children from this humanity:

I come to you so that your essences may connect themselves again with this Source of Divine Love that gives you life as beings and as a part of this beloved sacred planet that, almost without spiritual life, falters trying to survive.

For this My Son returns because He already once offered His life so that the Source of Universal Love could nourish, once again, the life of this humanity and of this world.

He returns so that His Companions, in the same way that He did, may finish connecting the consciousness of humanity to the Divine Source of Love of the Supreme God.

Beloved son, beloved daughter, that today you may listen to My words of maternal love:

The time has arrived that, as apostles of the Mercy of the Redeemer, you may definitely open the door of your inner temple so that through the sincere donation of your lives to the Creator, the Divine Love of God the Father may descend through you and may nourish this world in redemption.

It is time, beloved son, beloved daughter, that your will must be offered to the Kingdom of Heavens so that in the Heart of the Creator it may be converted into the spiritual strength that will impel you towards the fulfillment of your task of love.

And thus the Will of the Supreme that is all Love and all Power will be fulfilled in the Heavens as on Earth.

Feel…feel the Glory that descends from the Heavens. It is the Creator that waits for you.

I love you and I bless you.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother of God and of all of the creatures.