Saturday, May 4 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

In joy today I place you once again in My arms to be able to contemplate the victorious love that Jesus deposited into your hearts.

Dear children, My maternal task is living great steps and this is possible from the sincere collaboration of the children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. On this day, My children, I announce that the portal of the Voice and Echo of the Divine Mother has given its true fruits for conversion, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace in all of the consciousness.

Dear children, today I announce that through the first call that you have answered to for My Co-redeeming Work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the gifts of My Spirit have been able to touch the suffering and lonely essences, as also the families that were separated, and the lost children.

My children, today I invite you to contemplate the celestial merits that have been manifested by means of the portal of My Voice and of My Echo. For this reason I bless and I thank all of the missionaries of Divine Mother because they have sustained the torch of light of Mary and of Her Son Jesus during all of these months. In this way you will be able to see My dears, that My Heart of Mother has not left you alone and that new paths have been opened for the consciousnesses that were in grave faults.

By means of perseverance and hope in answering to My requests I have seen that your lives have given Me the best and the true. For this, today I invite you to renovate yourselves through My Heart. The Lord contemplates the efforts of His little creatures, of His dear children. You must realize that My Work has managed to expand itself in the heart of many pilgrims and it will continue to grow as long as you continue to be united to Me in the rescue of the essences that sleep in the realities of the world.

Dear children, you have received month by month, moment by moment, a little bit of My Kingdom in your hearts. Today, as a Mother, I thank you and I bless you in the hope that you may gain strengths of love big enough so that through many more hearts may be able to awaken.

My children, I am walking by your side to show you the straight pathway towards the Heart of My Son. I want to announce to you with reverence and love that also during the months of June and July of 2013 all of My pilgrims will be able to continue accompanying My Apparitions through this medium of redemption (the internet). This will help, My dears, that My little children may not lose the union with Me during these two months of June and July of 2013 but that you can maintain yourselves, each time more united to My Heart of Love.

Beloved children, today I leave you near Jesus, the Redeemer. See how you have taken the steps towards My Son because your Mother accompanies you.

I thank you for answering to My call for Peace.

Thank you, dear children, for how much you have given Me today!

Let us pray for Peace,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.