Saturday, February 16 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

With an broad call, today I convoke you to reconciliation with your hearts and the feelings that, as souls, you generate day by day. Today I take you all towards My Kingdom, as many other times, to show you that the Love of God is great and merciful. As hearts, I want to see you more humble every day, practicing, with the neighbor, the good and charity, the love and peace that must spring from the depth of your beings.

As Queen of Peace, I remind you, My children, the premise of living the attribute of peace so that you may, in these times, reach the Kingdom of Heaven through your own holiness.

Today I share with My children the comfort and adoration of Jesus for you.

But conversion is necessary! And this will begin when you are united in prayer with Me, because, as Mother, I want the best for you, considering the very accelerated life that you live in these times.

Humanity needs much prayer, without detaining itself in other things because in the chores of life, in the tasks that are given in glory to God, you will also live a state of deep prayer and union with Me.

To all groups of prayer, I call to accompany Me in this Marian mission for Venezuela, which has the aim of diffusing My message and of strengthening the spirit of the groups through prayer.

Children, other missions will come in the end of times because, as Mother, I feed with My Spirit with the hearts that belong to Christ, so as to form you as disciples of the New Time. This aspiration of Mine is not far from you, it is very near to being materialized in this time. I also hope that all of the groups in the world, those which work through prayer, prepare themselves to receive Me in this year that has already started in accordance with the plans of God.

Dear children, I need your constancy until the limits and you must believe that God, that the Heart of My Son and My Immaculate Heart will protect you.

Many were called, but few responded to the plans of the Father because to respond to this Magnificent Universal Will means conversion, redemption and much prayer.

During the Judgment My Heart will intercede for all. As Mediator between Heaven and Earth, I have received the power of helping My children in the end of times, while Heaven acts upon Earth to take forward the purpose of the Father.

In this week that will start I call you to deepen in the meaning of living the Supreme Will, leaving thus the personal will. I want to teach you to live the mysteries that God revealed to My Heart when I was amongst you. Now as Mother and Queen of the Universe, I place upon you My crown of stars so that your path may be full of light and wisdom, as was Mine.

Dear children, My pilgrims: during the days of next month, while you prepare My arrival, hold your appeals in My Maternal Heart so that I may answer them quickly.

I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call, this week, for Peace and Reconciliation amongst your hearts!

Mary, Queen of Peace.