Monday, February 11 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Be serene My child, My daughter, that I am here with you.  Enter into the Kingdom of My Peace and there your consciousness will receive all the light and clarity that you need.

Never be apart from My Immaculate Heart because in it, and through it, you will always know what to do, where to be and what has to be said.  Do not fear because My love is more great and more strong than any opposition sheltered in the heart of any brother and sister.

When you feel that the heart of a sister or brother soul is closing, invite them to pray and cry out for My presence, together with you. You will see that prayer and My company will dissolve all incomprehension and all conflict.

It is in the Kingdom of My peace inside of My Immaculate Heart where you will always find the love that is lacking to transcend the tests.

Never stop from loving each other, beyond that which is not understood between you, pray together and the prayer will bring light, will dissipate the darkness and the tricks that the enemy wants to make to My beloved Marian soldiers.

Remember that there is nothing more important in this time than the unity among the brothers and sisters, and that upon this unity and love the Purpose of the Father will be sustained and  the Plan of Rescue will triumph for the souls in this world.

It does not matter what will happen, be strong and do not allow for the love among you to wither.  Remember that I am here, that inside of My Heart you will be saved from the enemy.

My plans of peace must be lived by you, before everything, in your inner.  Feel the ardent Voice of the Redeemer that is calling you by your name.  Do not pay attention to anything else, because only this call is real.

Remember, Warriors of Mercy that the time of the commitment is now.  It has arrived now, the hour so awaited by all.  Be happy because Christ Jesus has come to take you and, among so many sheep of His Flock, has asked you to accompany Him as little shepherds and so help Him to bring His Love and His Mercy to the world.

Donate yourself entirely until your consciousness feels that it cannot anymore, and there you will discover another part of yourselves that you do not yet know.  Let the seed of love that My Son sowed in each one so long ago sprout, and be revealed as you truly are.

I accompany you and guide you in all moments.  Open you heart and allow that My Love may be radiated by means of your beings.

I love you, I wait in prayer.

Mary, Queen of Peace.