Friday, March 1 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Blessed are the ones who have thirst for My Son because they will follow the path of salvation.

Blessed are the ones who collect in their hearts the words of the Redeemer because they will reach His Glory.

Blessed are the weak ones because they will be consoled by the love of the Lord of the Universe.

Blessed are the simple ones because they will get to know the mysteries of the Heart of God.

Blessed are the ones who yearn to live the Divine Justice because they will be seen as righteous in the gaze of God.

Blessed are the poor of spirit because they will get to know the true spiritual wealth in the Kingdom of Heavens.

Blessed are the ones who have hunger for the love of the Redeemer because they will soon be satiated.

Blessed are the ones who surrender themselves to the discipleship of the Son of God because they will be called the “elected in the Kingdom of the Father”.

Blessed are the humble of heart because theirs will be the Kingdom on Earth and in Heaven.

Blessed are the righteous ones because they know the mysteries of the Justice of God.

Blessed are the ones who are lonely and who pray for their brothers and sisters because they will have the eternal company of the Messengers of the Father.

Blessed may be My Children, the Blessed ones, because they will accompany the Redeemer in His next coming.

Blessed may be My Children, the Blessed ones, because after everything that happens, the New Aurora will flourish in their hearts and they will see the raising of the new world.

Blessed may be My Children, the Blessed ones, because in them God trusts so that His Plan on Earth may be accomplished.

Blessed may be My Children, the Blessed ones, because the King of the Kings will walk together with them when He steps onto this Sacred Planet.

Blessed may be My Children, the Blessed ones, because My love of Co-redeemer Mother will always protect them.

Blessed may be My Children, the Blessed ones, because the stars wait for them to celebrate the Universal Redemption.

Blessed may be My Children, always Blessed.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.