Friday, February 15 of 2013

Weekly Messages

In this time, when the great movements of the near future are gestated, it is when you must be more united to My Immaculate Heart in the prayer made with love.

In this time, dear children, positive causes will be generated that may manifest actions of good, which will balance the upcoming events. My Heart suffers because more of My children that had commitments with the Light of the Creator feel weak before the enemy. This weakness is caused by the lack of surrender to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Christ. If these souls were truly in the Heart of the Messengers of God, they should fear nothing.

Pray for those who must be the strength of all.

Pray for those who in tests feel weakness.

Pray for those who sustain with their hands the hands of other sons and daughters of Mine.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to come to your lives and fulfill you with wisdom and courage.

Pray, My children, pray without ceasing because the events of tomorrow depend on the prayer of today.

I am with you, praying eternally for all of My children of this world. Do not doubt the power of sincere prayer, done with the heart, because on it will depend the salvation of humanity.

Pray for those who are committed to the Return of My Son. Be always attentive to the movements of the enemy and do not let yourselves be deceived.

Pray for all the eyes that see Me and the consciousnesses that follow Me in total obedience, so that the Universal Power of God, My Maternal Mantle of Light and the Power of Love of the Redeemer may guard you eternally.

Take care so that My words and those of My Son may be revered by all. Be examples of devotion before any situation because the enemy is ready for calumny and dishonor.

Unite more than ever to Me, and the power of the Holy Spirit will descend in your lives to bring peace and light upon the consciousnesses.

Go ahead, My children! Allow My Love to triumph in your lives and to lead them towards the Heart of the Savior.

I meet you, as today, in the repairing prayer of the heart.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.